Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

restoring honor?

 "When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." –"The Glenn Beck Program," Sept. 9, 2005

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Define this!

I have remarked on this some time ago; the little "word verification" thingees that you must retype before you can log onto some sites or post comments.  I am sure they have a purpose though I have neither the patience nor the intelligence to decipher what their true purpose is.  Instead, I find it amusing to self-define what those words may mean.  It sure is a lot more fun that trying to decipher the intent of the Tea Party.

nomet     getting stood up on a blind date
koatele   Austrailian telephone company
essesse   German for an easy task
coxiggal  woman who frequently falls while rollerblading
sturr        when you want your third martini not shaken
alaystr     PBS host
pyholly    chick who constantly makes bad choices
nowear    sans boxer shorts
hablors    question in Spanish, "I got mine, Hablors?"
imampic   photo of  Muslim cleric that may get you killed
waystat    tremendous number of blog hits
leablech   Jewish girl who hates everything
fugai        sushi from the Gulf of Mexico
sledtran   Sarah Palinesque mass transit in Alaska
pyrantic   insect who lights fires
bollygoc  egotistical Indian film producer

........ and the last is my perpetual state of disrepair.

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

Just an idea

Listen; there's a hell of a good universe next door: let's go.

Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010


......somethings look so cool that you want to take a picture.  But it doesn't turn out... or at least not as neat as you thought it would.  Well... trust me.... it was a pretty neat sunset.

I have been out and about for the last week.  Not much time for much .... and it was all good.

Went to my niece's wedding in western Wisconsington.  They held it at a farm amongst the hills.  Emily and her new hubby, Andy, just finished taking the bar exam in Minnesota.... lawyers, ya, right.

But he is very cool and Emily has been my favorite kiddo for the last 27 years.  Her brother, Adam, came home from San Diego, Jo teaches history, and Elliott is a graphic designer in Madison.  The thing of it is... when the cousins get together, they are funnier than all get out.  I enjoy being a fly on the wall and just listening to them.
So does Grandma.  88.... confined to a wheelchair permanently, now.  But she wasn't going to miss this for anything.

Elliott, Katie, Max, Jonas, Adam, Emily &&& Grandma

It was a pretty good sunset.  I think Grandma plans on having a few more.

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

"The universe is no narrow thing and the order within it is not constrained by any latitude in its conception to repeat what exists in one part in any other part. Even in this world more things exist without our knowledge than with it and the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way. For existence has its own order and that no man's mind can compass, that mind itself being but a fact among others."
Cormac McCarthy

I have been occupied of late.  I have not been able to post much of what I have written nor read much of others.  There are so many of both that if I think of it I feel a sadness.  But there are books to read, places to be, jobs to look for and children who need attention,solace,information and guidance.  It is what it is... but to any and all that cross these pages..... I will bless you even if god will not.  Now..... if you add a beer you will have something of value..... my blessing is worthless and will not make you drunk.

What I learned in Church

So I found myself in church one day and the minister was doing a sermon, as they often do, and this day he decided to do a little visual.

Four worms were placed into four separate jars.

The first worm was put into a container of alcohol.

The second worm was put into a container of cigar smoke.

The third worm was put into a container of chocolate .

The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil.

At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results:

The first worm in alcohol
 - Dead

The second worm in cigar smoke - Dead 

Third worm in chocolate  - Dead 
Fourth worm in good clean soil -  Alive
So the Minister asked  - 
What did you learn from this demonstration?

Well, I don't go to church often...or extremely seldom at best, but I raised my hand and said:

'As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won't have worms!'

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

.... and we ate eggplant, too!

I had a perfectly nice weekend.  I sat among pines ... and burned some of them too.

I ate animal flesh seared by open flames and  encased in buns.

I enjoyed a beverage holding deep meaning in my native state.

..... and realized that as screwed up, messed up, as America is.... there are good places.  I need to find them more often.

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

So I am at Oblio's. Schultz is peddling posh potables across the polished panel.
-Jim... did you hear about that Norwegian farmer west of town, got audited by the IRS?
- I think I'm going to.
-Well, the guy gets an audit notice and the agent shows up at his farm. The agent says, " I have a few questions about your labor deductions."
"Well, " the farmer says," I gotz a full time hand.... pay him$180 a week, room and board included. He's a good hand."
"Ok," says the agent.
" Then," the farmer says, " I gotz a part time hand, works about 20 hours a week, pay him $90, lives elsewhere, but I throw in his meals."
"Alright," the agent says, "anyone else?"
" Yup," the farmer replies. " I have a cook, comes and goes, feeds the boys.  I pay her $200 a month."
The farmer scrunches up a bit, looks down at the dirt and sticks his thumbs in his bib overalls. "Then I have the Half-Wit. "
" The Half-Wit?" the agent queries.
" Yup," the farmer replies.  He straightens up a bit .  "The guy works over a hundred and eighty hours a week,no time off, he gets $40 a month, has to pay for his own room and board and all his expenses...... but he gets to sleep with my wife about once a month."
"Wow," says the agent. " I need to talk with this Half-Wit!"
The farmer spits a chaw of tobacco off into the dust and looks the agent right in the eye.
" You are, son!"

Schultz owes me a beer.

When I'm 64....

Headed up to cottage in Keshna with the boys this weekend.  They all hold me in the highest esteem.

Vikings suck
Bears suck
Lions suck
Nascar sucks

Some times you build walls not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.

What are friends for.

Re Breakfast, like always there's never a shortage of food, so a coffeecake/kringle/?? is fine for me; it travels/keeps well.  Whatever.Jim does good brekkers with volunteering, Jim?
Re Sat. lunch, seems like we can tie in a lunch out with whatever else we might do. Or, if we dona have plans, just a trip 'out' to see the sights.
Re Snacks, FWIW, I already have some cashews, bag a spicy chips, bag a M & Ms.
Re Beverages, Rum & Coke is mighty fine!  Meyer's is my vote; whatever.  Don't forget the limes, please!
Our garden is starting to produce a little, so a few(all we have) cherry tomatoes, banana peppers(grill em?), zucchini(same) will be brought. (3.2" of rain last night and steamy weather could increase yield).
 I'm bring eggplant and tofu.  They love me for it!

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

What Repubs "really" don't like about Obama

"Obama's ears are so big.... why, he can hear Russia from his back yard"
-Sarah Palid

"Obama's ears are so big... they need their own Cabinet Post"
-Bill O'Really

"Obama's ears are so big... they can bail out three banks by them selves!"
-Glenn Blech

"Obama's ears are so big.... his kids can hide Easter baskets in them!"
-Michelle Bitchman

.... of course... no one will really state the truth of why they hate him..... Shhhhhh, don't tell anyone..... but the President is ... get this... a Black Man!!!!

..... I think the next time we elect a Minority President.... you know.... like one with big ears.....  we should elect one with a Big Johnson
if you can't quit being a racist..... at least zip up your pants

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Well..... it ain't Cleveland....

..... but exciting things do happen in Beautiful Downtown Wisconsington........

I can't wait.

I guess it does beat watching the concrete dry on Main St.

.... or maybe not.

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Cool Beans

I've gotten unstuck in Time.  Just like Billy Pilgrim, Vonnegut's old friend.  It happened easy enough. A dear friend mentioned a book by Tim O'Brien, "The Things They Carried"; it's a semi-fictional account of his time in Vietnam.  I like O'Brien, a good writer.  So I check out the library listings and he has a book from a few years ago, "July July" that I hadn't read.  So I picked it up.

In a nutshell, in the book, it is class reunion time, Class of '69, in Northern Minnesota.  The reunion is taking place in 2000. And suddenly I got a little unraveled.

I have my HS class reunion coming up, HS class of 70, Western Wisconsin  I am not going.  I have a college-boy reunion coming up the following weekend at a lake near Keshna and the weekend after that, a niece's wedding over by the Mississippi River.  I can't do three weekend road trips in a row, but reading the book, thinking of  missing my HS reunion..... brought back a bunch of memories.  Some I had not thought of in a long time.

I remember kissing Nancy on my 17th birthday.  It was the sweetest thing that ever happened to me. I can still taste the wonder of her in my heart.  The summer of  1970.  The movies we went to-the books we talked about- the smooth smell of Coppertone on her sleek brown legs-the way her smile looked in moonlight-the beach at the lake where we would swim and while away days.  The little banter.  I remember feeling, " This is what I want. The life I want."   I have no idea where she is now. I loved her more than anything.  It was all too soon , and that made everything else all too late.

I took my draft physical a couple of years later.  Milwaukee was never as cold as it was that day. I was never as alone as then..  The war was still a good shoot-'em-up deal, my lottery number was 33, and I knew I would  never come back went to Nam.  I would have been that kind of soldier.  I remember thinking.... would I be going back to college to take final exams?  Marrying my girlfriend who was two months 'late'?  Going into the Army?  I took the exams, she had her period, finally, and I flunked the draft physical.  But that was a cold cold night at the bus station trying to get home and I realized that, in a sense, I would never really have a home to go back to.  I didn't think about it much as the years went by, but the whole experience changed me greatly.  Ob-la-dee Ob-la-dah.

There were other girlfriends... several in the next few years.  Suzanne, Suzi, Sue, Kate, Kat.... Maureen.  I would like to talk with Maureen sometime.  She didn't fit into a typical mold. For one thing, no name with a K or S. 

 I remember turning  into a radical, stop-the-war student.  Protests and rallies. Tequila and Mescaline. I was a cab driver at nights.  And I met Kathy. Loved names with a K.  She had a thing then for long haired hippie peace-niks who drove taxis.  We would see each other periodically over the next 30 years. It became an on-again-off-again thing.  I last ran into her at a wine-tasting a couple of years past.  It was most certainly an off  year. We said hello. We said good-bye. I know precisely where she is today.  That's life.

I got married, had children, had a divorce .  The marriage was OK, the kids are great, the divorce worked well.  But nothing has ever eclipsed the summer of 1970.  I don't dwell on it.  I would like to talk with Nancy again..... mostly to just hear that she is good.  That her life has been good.  It won't happen.  I don't dwell on it.  One book leads to another.  All things are linked, one book  leads to another whether we like it or not.

The other day I was slicing onions and peppers to throw into a crock pot with beans and ham hocks.  Stupid clumsy me.  The knife slipped, did a 360 in the air, bounced off the counter, dropped to the floor and impaled itself in my big toe.  Freaky.  It wasn't serious.  It bled a little.  But I looked down at the damn thing sticking straight up out of my toe and I had to laugh.  Hey,,,,,,,, it looked really funny, whether I liked it or not.

Life is like that, sometimes,and sometimes the recipes are uncertain.  I don't dwell on it.  One thing leads to another. Books, beaches,  The letter K, the letter S......... the beans were delicious.

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee

Strange Things Happen .  I got on Sarah Palin's PAC emailing list.  When I got the first one I was gonna delete it or slam back a "Fuck-You-Very-Much"..... but then I thought it could be amusing.  It ain't. But being a Socialist-Commie-Football Loving-Beer Guzzling-Psycho Freak.... I thought I would share.

Dear Friends,
On behalf of Sarah and SarahPAC, I want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement, especially on Facebook, where Sarah has just passed 2,000,000 fans. Over the last year and a half, we have received an outpouring of encouragement and support from people across this great nation. During that time, Sarah has used her Facebook account as an outlet to express her hopes and concerns about the direction of the country. We want to thank all of Sarah's supporters for their participation in the ongoing discussion of American politics on her Facebook page and for their generous contributions to SarahPAC.
SarahPAC has been able to give outstanding conservative candidates the financial support they need to send liberal Democrats packing from coast to coast.This money goes to support the campaigns of strong, conservative leaders across this great land. It’s possible for SarahPAC to assist these great Americans because of generous contributions from SarahPAC supporters like you.
To show how much we appreciate your donations, we are proving that every penny makes a difference by collecting two cents for every fan Sarah has on Facebook. Make a donation of $25, $50, or $100 and help us reach our goal of $40,000 today and help elect the next great generation of conservative leaders to office.
With the help of SarahPAC supporters like you, we will send the liberal Democrats home and replace them with conservative leaders that understand the ideas and values that make this the greatest country in the world.
Please help us make sure that Governor Palin has the resources to campaign and contribute in this crucial election by making a donation today, so that we can bring common sense and traditional values to all levels of government.

No Shit..... 2 millionz dumbfucks signed up to be her buddy!  "so that we can bring common sense and traditional values"  What a crock a shit!  "So that I can build a new house in Alaska with an airplane hanger for Todd and pay for Bristols next fuck-up and maybe some new togs!" would be more honest.  But who expects honesty from Sarrrrrrah "Lipshick" Palin?

Hey.... I'll be honest... I am out of beer money.. send $2.50 or $5 or $10 to :

Oblios Lounge c/0 OKJIMM
434 North Main Street
Oshkosh, WI 54901-4924
.... at least you know your money was honestly consumed.

My name is jimm and I apppprovez dis massage

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Have it your Way... Today in Histoerie

1610 Henry Hudson sails into what is now Hudson Bay.  Starbucks is closed.  He moves on to Seattle. You deserve a break today...

1776 Members of the Continental congress begin signing the Declaration of Independence at a Dairy Queen in Philadelphia. Have it your way...have it your way

1876 Wild Bill Hickok is shot and killed at an Applebees in Deadwood, Dakota Territories.  We do chicken right..

1923 Warren G Harding dies at McDonald's in San Francisco.   Think outside the bun

1934 German President von Hindenburg dies at a Wendy's.  Adolf Hitler vows to expand chain into Poland.  We don't make it until you order it....

1943 John F. Kennedy crashes boat in Solomon Islands while exploring new TGI Friday's site.  Special orders don't upset us

1974 John Dean sentenced to 1-4 years at Domino's for his role in Watergate.  Run for the Border

..... I think today I will just make my own sandwich..................

.....gotz milk????