Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

BALLS !!!! It's Little Ricky!

"The idea is that the state doesn't have rights to limit individuals' wants and passions. I disagree with that. I think we absolutely have rights because there are consequences to letting people live out whatever wants or passions they desire."

"I love soup"

Amanda Jean

"Sorry. No soup for you."

"I love cookies"

"Drop that fucking cookie, Kid!  If it isn't for procreation, it ain't good"

"I love Jello"
Willy Jo

" I don't give a shit what Cosby says....you drop that goddam spoon right now!"

"We Love Pizza"
Kim, Akeesha, Sam and Emily

"Sorry.  If it is not for procreation, too fucking bad. No No No No!  Like that faggot Mick Jagger said, 'you can't always get what you want''

Santorum seems to know exactly how to regulate people.  That is not 'small government'.  It is not really conservatism... not Republican... not Libertarian.... it is just plain... nutty.
“This idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to do…that is not how traditional conservatives view the world.”  Rick Santorum.

He wants, your cookies, soup, doughnuts, pizza..... and wants to regulate what you do in your bedroom.

But what if it was HIS nuts.... hmmmmmm

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Oh Brother!

well, if you have seen one Republican debate, you've seen them all. And if you have seen them all.... you are a masochist. Or have a broken leg and a lost remote control..... or some such.  It is all vitriolic rhetoric.... and I try to pay it no mind.

So, anyways, I was looking at a small clip of one of them... I think it was in Iowa, whatever, but it reminded me of a photo my brother sent me....

I kinda liked the picture.  They are his chickens sitting out back by his pond.  He has raised free range chickens for years.  The eggs are good. He also grows his own apples and pears and kiwi, it is a good climate for fruit where he lives, in the far west corner of Washington State.  His wife is a field biologist for a Canadian/US fishery commission.  They home can their own tuna, salmon and halibut.  Make jams and jellies, press fruit juice. He has lived out there for almost 25 years... but it doesn't seem that long, or that faraway.  We talk weekly.  Sometimes more.  He has spent the last month recovering from ankle surgery so lately it is more. Growing quickly and playing basketball and football kind of screwed up his ankles.  But he was always my 'little brother'.

We shared a bedroom when we were kids.  He grew very rapidly.  Ended up 6'8".  Means I could not pick on him much. I remember being pissed off when Mom would try to get me to wear his hand me down clothes, they wouldn't fit and as I never got over 6',  it was kind of humiliating.
Uncle John
When he was living in Minneapolis.... he had some difficulties of the romance thingee.  My phone bill spiraled.  When he decided to move to Idaho, years ago, I rode west with him and his alcoholic parakeet.  Seriously.  The bird loved beer and tequila.  I remember having to push his pinto station wagon to the top of a pass in Montana.   When my son was six, and John was in Seattle, we toured the Olympic Peninsula and the San Juan Islands. Slept on top of mountains and beaches, sans tent.  Tents are for weaklings, he believed. He has a voice that rather rumbles up to you with the tenor of a dump truck spitting down a gravel road.  We called him Lurch because of that.  He taught me how to brew beer and learn what good beer really was.  He also made Mead and wine.... but his beer was the best.

He called me this morning.  Wished me a 'happy valentines day.'
He is that kind of guy.

I love him, too.

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012


“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”


robert heinlein

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Holy Bat-Shitz-Crazy-Man.... it that a snake in your pocket... or....

Wow... a funny thing happened.... see, I was just sitting around, minding my own business, which, if you gotta know, doesn't take up much time, or really, see, like, no time at all... but anywayz... I checked into this Blog, see, one that talks alot of politics, peace, dollar values, Republicans, what kind of jewelry Kim Kardashian might have in her navel and other esoteric thoughts.  Nice place, really.

But the blog owner has a troll.  Well, a few, to be true.  But one is just, well, the kind who will take a topic, any topic, and runaway with it.  If the blog owner would post a recipe for peach cobbler this Troll, in a relatively civil fashion, would opine that apricots were a superior fruit and all of the apricots in America are threatened by invasive Almond trees being planted by a nefarious gang of illegal Norwegian immigrants.... none of whom have Red, white, or BLUE CARDS to say nothing of GREEN.  Gees & shit, he would venture forth, it is all a liberal plot fostered by that No Good nig black guy in the White House of Shame& Mirrors.

Ok.. he is pretty much on the right wing side of life, which really ain't no big deal or nothing, just saying, but I kind of get the impression, from reading his comments, that he thinks Genghis Khan was a pretty good 'job creator' and maybe we should have that kind of leadership now.  Ok, I don't want to paint the wrong picture here. I'm guessing he is a nice guy and changes his underwear at least weekly.

So.... this is what breaks me up......and I will get to the snakes, just hold on.

What the topic was, on this here blog that I am talking about... and please, keep this straight...The BLOG OWNER is a kindly, astute thinker.... remember... we are talking about the semi-troll or whatever he is .... so the blog owner puts up a conversational question, more or less, " Is the current crop of Republican candidates truly idiots or are they cheap conniving weasly fucks"  Ok.. I paraphrased but I think that was the fair and balanced and unbiased opinion.  Well, gosh, before you knew it the thread has taken a right turn at this fellows third gonad *he truly has a lotta balls* and the next thing he is talking, the Troll, about how if the Communist Burmese invaded the USA, why gosh he would just cinch up his GI Joe camouflage g-string right on up his but crack to where the pleasure button of his resides and gosh.... he would kick some ass and all he would need to know is if those Burma gooks was bringing rice or noodles with them!!!

Boy... those Burmese ! Gees.... who do they thiink they are.

The game laws
Ought to
Let you shoot
The bird who hands you
A substitute


Well, gosh....  So where that left off was something like, 'well, gee, if the Burmese do invade we are all hoping that Canada counter invades and gets rid of the Terrorist Burmese cause it would be much better with Canadian Freedom Fighters, I mean, Canada sure has let us have a bunch of good comedians and folk singers and what not'.  Something like that.

BUT.... get this!  The Burmese ARE invading.... those goddam snakes!!
 Yesirree Bob!  Big Ones! In Florida!  Well it was a peachy-keen article and I enjoyed reading it and Shit&Whiskers.. you can too.  All right... I thought that was neat.... how that one little blog post lead me to Burmese Pythons !  I tell you.... it is a wonderful world.  So.. anyways, they want to ban the snakes, make it illegal to transport them. eradicate them, only let the gay males marry... or at least try
to clean up this, ah, slithery situation.

But then... and this is what breaks me up.... some 'pet retailers' are upset, because,,,,, it would infringe on their rights and..... hehehe cost jobs!

NO SHIT. read it here   Honestly!  Why gosh.... first dem liberals wanna regulate snakes.... next thing you know.... them is gonna wanna regulate Trouser Snakes!

Now this was really breaking me up.... see, it seems that python skins can fetch up to $200 a piece... and gosh the economy gets a boost.... so, this is it?  Invasive pythons are job creators and you can get $200 for it's skin........ but undocumented immigrants are not welcome? Is this how a Rednicker thinks..."well gosh, if Hispanics created jobs and you could get $200 for a Wetback Hide... well it would be different then!"  Somehow something is out of kilter. THINGS are weird... and I am not sure if we aren't all nutz....and evil... and the only honest among us is the evil Norwegian Almond farmers

I guess it just goes to show you, what a wonderful world the widdle  wide web is.... you can be talk politicualize smart one moment and the next thing you know.......... you got python pants.

You think I'm making this up!??
Well, it's Ground Hogs Day.  Didn't see my shadow. The Python ate it.  Six more weeks of Bullshit.
Gotzta go walk my snake.