Kamis, 23 April 2009

73 Years

My Mother’s older sister, Cecilia, died Tuesday. She was 94. At 94 death is never unexpected.

She married her husband in 1935, and after 73 years of marriage he is alone now and greatly grieves for her

Patience, trust, devotion, honor, support, smiles, perseverance, consistency…………………………………

Love…… why are these less expected than death?

love.Love, love, love.Love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game.
It's easy.
Nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time.
It's easy.
All you need is love
.All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.
Nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.Love is all you need.
All you need is love
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need

Selasa, 21 April 2009

The Kid& Stuff

Boy and howdy.... the time is been slipping away&stuff. At the U last night. Max said he was doing a reading and would I show up. Ain't no deal. Of course I was going to be there. He didn't tell me much more.
It was a reading for the literary magazine on campus. The Wisconsin Review. He wrote a piece. It was accepted. He did the reading.
I wrote a couple of things for the WR about thirty years ago.
It was like old home week.
Boy, was I a proud dude. To me, it was like he caught the winning touchdown in the fourth quarter.

In other news..... have really been getting into the Leo Kottke/Mike Burns album, "Sixty-six Steps"

..... and one of my favorite Kottke songs.... Rings...

Ring, ring, telephone ring

Somebody says, baby, what you doin'

I've been wonderin' where you've been

Now and then I think about you and me

No use fightin' about things we can't recall

Cause it don't matter now at all

Just come on home, baby, and we'll laugh and sing

And we'll make love, let the telephone ring
Ring, ring, doorbell ring

Come on in, I got Mel Blanc on the radio

I'm glad you came around

Been feelin' down, talking to Tony and Mario

You know they make good conversation

Still it ain't no consolation

Cause I got love, baby, I'll give you some

And if somebody comes, let the doorbell ring

I said ring, ring, golden ring

Around the sun, around your pretty finger

Ring, ring, voices ring

With a happy tune anybody can be a singer

The sun comes up across the city

I swear you never looked so young and pretty

Hand in hand, we'll stand upon the sand

With the preacher man, let the wedding bells ring

Hand in hand we'll stand upon the sand

With the preacher man, let the wedding bells ring

Senin, 20 April 2009

Monday. I gotz nothing. If you have something..... please leave a note. It would be a goodness.

In fact, I think will make this....... International 'Hello' day. So have another cup of coffee and see how many times you can say 'Hello' to how many people.

Rabu, 15 April 2009

* Boy!!!! am I excited!!! I just gotz this letter, see...........AND I AM GONNA BE RICH!!!

I have picked-up courage and trust to forward this letter with divine confidence that you are a reliable and honest person capable of handling this important business proposal believing also that you will never let me down either now or in the future.

I am Naut Klasse , a solicitor at law. I was the personal attorney to Eng. Gilbert M. Reain, a national of your country who used to work with an oil servicing company here in the Netherlands thereof be referred to as my client.

Eng. Gilbert M. Reain, 62 years of age made a fixed deposit of fund valued at USD$12,500,000 (Twelve Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States DollarsOnly) with a Finance Company here in Europe and unfortunately lost his life a plane crash , Ref: view http://english.people.com.cn/200401/04/eng20040104_131791.shtml).

He left no clear beneficiary as Next of Kin except some vital documents relatedto the deposit still in my possession. Recently, the financial company contacted me asking for the the next of kin to the funds or funds may be declared to the goverment asunclaimedUpon a clear and legitimate agreement with you, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin, so that my late client's fund will not beconfiscated by the Finance Company.

You will be entitled to 40% of the total fund, 50% for me while 10% is to be marked out for any expenses that will be incurred during the clearance orprocess of transfer of the fund to your bank account. Be informed that there is no risk involved as all necessary legal documents that will be used to back you up as the legal beneficiary and next ofkin of my late client will be procured. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that willprotect you from any breach of the law.

Kindly, get in touch with me by my e-mail (reachnk@yahoo.cn) or telephone to enable us discuss further.

You may also send your telephone number so that I can call you. Do not forget that a transaction of this magnitude requires utmost confidentiality and sincerity.

I look forward to your urgent response.

Thank you,
Naut Klasse
Tel: +31 619 545 877

Gees I will buy EVERYONE a Beer!!!

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Speak up...I can't hear you..there's a banana

I haven't been this sick in years. I'll spare the details..... but it has been five days of feeling like shit and I am still not completely back to normal. Whatever normal is.

So I don't have any big news.

Max won an award at the National Broadcasting Society annual convention in New York at the end of March for one of his radio dramas. Of course, he wasn't there. But that hasn't stopped him from being very pumped up. He has a new movie planned, too. I am loathe to break the news to him that it has been done. Let someone else burst his bubble.
I haven't died. I have just felt like it.
Now...... back to the office.

Rabu, 08 April 2009


It's a straight up ride on Hwy 41 to work. Twenty-five minutes and six lanes, most of the way.,most of the time. Billboards galore. I mentioned that I thought Billboards ugly..... that they should be outlawed. The Dude in the carpool said, in essence.... fuck everybody... if the land owner wants to lease to a billboard company, he can do what he wants. He called it "Property Rights".

Then we came to a spot where they recently clear cut and bull-dozed a small woodlot along the road to make way for..........another billboard. I mentioned that I thought it obscene. He retorted that I didn't have to 'look' if I didn't want to. He said he rather enjoyed the ads.

The Dude is basically clueless. One of those, "Everybody is wrong except me and folks that agree with me" people. A 'Guns Don't Kill People..etc' NRA Fanatic. He is a hip-pocket Christian, too. Doesn't go to church, but likes to pull religion out of his pocket whenever he thinks it makes his arguments stronger. He also lurks on my blog...... he never will 'write', but he sure likes telling me how 'stupid' my writing is.

I posted the Billboard in the previous post for him. He hasn't said much the last couple of mornings. He has been quiet.
The Billboard is going up a lot faster than I care for.

In other news............... my buddy, Curt, finally burned me a copy of Renaissance's 1973 album, "Ashes are Burning". I haven't had a copy since my vinyl got ripped off. It was always a favorite of mine.

Ashes Are Burning
Travel the days of freedom
Roads leading everywhere
Come with me now and show how you care

Follow the dying embers
Cross on the paths that they lay
Breath of the past the earths yesterday

Clear your mind maybe you will find
That the past is still turning
Circles sway echo yesterday
Ashes burning ashes burning
Colours are fading starlight
Silver the way to find
Walking the shadows, there in our mind
Changing the order slowly
Leaving the mist of time
Fingers are holding fragments of mine

Imagine the burning embers
They glow below and above
Your sins you won’t remember
And all you’ll find there is love
Ashes are burning brightly
The smoke can be seen from afar
So now you’re seeing how far
Ashes are burning the way
Ashes are burning the way

Jumat, 03 April 2009

Yes, We Have No Agendas

I had an Agenda, once. We were blissfully happy and even raised a couple of addendum together.

Then, one day, I awoke and found half of the bed empty. She had run off to Wyoming with a Random Flow Chart of dubious character.

At first I felt lost, aimless, lonely without my Agenda, but as time passed I missed her less and less.

I feel freer, now.

I think I will get rid of my underwear next.