It was a reading for the literary magazine on campus. The Wisconsin Review. He wrote a piece. It was accepted. He did the reading.
I wrote a couple of things for the WR about thirty years ago.
It was like old home week.
Boy, was I a proud dude. To me, it was like he caught the winning touchdown in the fourth quarter.
In other news..... have really been getting into the Leo Kottke/Mike Burns album, "Sixty-six Steps"

..... and one of my favorite Kottke songs.... Rings...
Ring, ring, telephone ring
Somebody says, baby, what you doin'
I've been wonderin' where you've been
Now and then I think about you and me
No use fightin' about things we can't recall
Cause it don't matter now at all
Just come on home, baby, and we'll laugh and sing
And we'll make love, let the telephone ring
Ring, ring, doorbell ring
Come on in, I got Mel Blanc on the radio
I'm glad you came around
Been feelin' down, talking to Tony and Mario
You know they make good conversation
Still it ain't no consolation
Cause I got love, baby, I'll give you some
And if somebody comes, let the doorbell ring
I said ring, ring, golden ring
Around the sun, around your pretty finger
Ring, ring, voices ring
With a happy tune anybody can be a singer
The sun comes up across the city
I swear you never looked so young and pretty
Hand in hand, we'll stand upon the sand
With the preacher man, let the wedding bells ring
Hand in hand we'll stand upon the sand
With the preacher man, let the wedding bells ring
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