Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

as the years spin... by

The boy and I went to Ardy&Ed's for a burger and root beer yesterday.  I have been taking him there for twenty five years.  This year.... he took me.
Today we take him to Milwaukee for his flight back to Portland.  I miss him already.

So the years spin by and now the boy is twenty
Though his dreams have lost some grandeur coming true
There'll be new dreams, maybe better dreams and plenty
Before the last revolving year is through.      

Oh, well.

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

The revolution will not be on Fox .... RIP Gil Scott Heron 1952-2011


You will not be able to stay home, brother.
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out.
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip,
Skip out for beer during commercials,
Because the revolution will not be televised.

The revolution will not be televised.
The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox
In 4 parts without commercial interruptions.
The revolution will not show you pictures of Nixon
blowing a bugle and leading a charge by John
Mitchell, General Abrams and Spiro Agnew to eat
hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary.
The revolution will not be televised.

The revolution will not be brought to you by the
Schaefer Award Theatre and will not star Natalie
Woods and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia.
The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal.
The revolution will not get rid of the nubs.
The revolution will not make you look five pounds
thinner, because the revolution will not be televised, Brother.

There will be no pictures of you and Willie May
pushing that shopping cart down the block on the dead run,
or trying to slide that color television into a stolen ambulance.
NBC will not be able predict the winner at 8:32
or report from 29 districts.
The revolution will not be televised.

There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
brothers in the instant replay.
There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
brothers in the instant replay.
There will be no pictures of Whitney Young being
run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process.
There will be no slow motion or still life of Roy
Wilkens strolling through Watts in a Red, Black and
Green liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving
For just the proper occasion.

Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies, and Hooterville
Junction will no longer be so damned relevant, and
women will not care if Dick finally gets down with
Jane on Search for Tomorrow because Black people
will be in the street looking for a brighter day.
The revolution will not be televised.

There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock
news and no pictures of hairy armed women
liberationists and Jackie Onassis blowing her nose.
The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb,
Francis Scott Key, nor sung by Glen Campbell, Tom
Jones, Johnny Cash, Englebert Humperdink, or the Rare Earth.
The revolution will not be televised.

The revolution will not be right back after a message
bbout a white tornado, white lightning, or white people.
You will not have to worry about a dove in your
bedroom, a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl.
The revolution will not go better with Coke.
The revolution will not fight the germs that may cause bad breath.
The revolution will put you in the driver's seat.

The revolution will not be televised, will not be televised,
will not be televised, will not be televised.
The revolution will be no re-run brothers;
The revolution will be live.
The revolutionThe revolution will be live.

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

but but but... it's all about balancing the budget....

..... and creating jobs......!!!!!
so.. "Wisco" is broke... we are broke, broke, broke, broke... ain't gotz no money.... nope... we gotzta cut cut cut.. teacher benefits, social services, public works.... cause we is broke, busted, and generally, money-wise, screwed, stewed and re-fried.............  so... the Wixconsick '
Republicans.... work on a voter registration bill.... work on a gun carry law (which requires no 'gun training)  and now they are hard at work.... on an IMMIGRATION BILL similar to the one in Arizona!!!
Yupperz, oh, and have we got immigration problems that need fixing!!!  Wowzers, do we ever!!! It's the Canadians, see, cause Wisco has a big problem with CANADA
and it is really really serious!!!
Why those Canadians, see, are building rafts made out of old maple syrup cans and just paddling across Lake Superior and taking Native Wisconnyites jobs..... which we ain't got, see, cause, we is broke broke broke &stuff.
Typical Canadian in Disguise

Frankly... I think them there Canadians is just here to steal our guns, see, or maybe our world champion football team... or else they are trying to illegally vote!

AND WE CANNOT HAVE THAT.....cause we are broke, see, and that is why I really really have to hand it to old Scott Walker, our beloved Governutz and his salty-toed minions for spending all of their time and attention and my money.... to balance the budget and keep those goddam Canadians up there where they belong and not down here doing what ever those goddam Canadians do when they are not watching Polar Bears screw or whacking baby seals with hockey sticks.!
Now, iffen you live here... you know we do not have immigration problems... see, Lake Michigan pretty much takes care of our eastern border, (except for the UP, and those folks have enought trouble going to Escanaba for a six pack, so it ain't no never mind if a few get south a bit... we just put 'em on a Greyhound and send 'em back... most are grateful for the help, cause they were too drunk to know where they were) and like I said, Lake Superior takes care of the Canadians, and the Mississippi rather keeps the Minnietosans where they belong..... our real problem... REAL Problem.... is


.... YUPPERZ... now if the Wisconsin Luberlagisgaters were working on that problem, why gosh it would be all right.

See, I propose building this big honking wall at our southern border where the Illinois tourista class folks can just walk up, throw their tourista type dollars over the top and sigh, "I heard they have lakes full of fish up there; wish I could go up there and be throwing beer cans in the woods."

phew..... reading the news is tiring... and it's almost noon... I best be lining up for bar opening.  Have a good day and stuff.

I think I am going out for pancakes.

Found a screen shot of the tornado that hit my home town Sunday night. the damage there was significant, but not anywhere close to Joplin or LaCrosse or other cities. Couldn't find my sister for a couple of days and they have a huge old maple in their yard that I was concerned about...... if it falls... it falls on their house.  She is OK, theri house is ok....

but she is, as a retired teacher, very concerned about their household budget.... thinking of eliminating all 'social services' to her husband as a way to saving money.  I didn't ask further.

Boy Wonder is home for a week.... or at least he is about town, somewhere. Very hard to keep track of.  He is determined to see all of his college friends that are still here.... cause, gees, he hasn't seen some of them for MONTHS!  The other night we sat around at his mom's and were able to view all the "out takes" from the new internet commercial they are filming.  Rather reminded me of his grandfather showing old home movies.  I mean, it was good....... but how much of a 60 second commercial for a rubbish removal service can you watch?  Obviously....... he thinks you CAN spend hours doing so.  Slightly more interesting than watching CNN.

I think I'll go out for pancakes.

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Just stuff...

La Crosse Tornado

Sunday night a tornado ripped up LaCrosse, WI.  I grew up just twenty miles out of the city and remember it well.  I just became aware of the storm (it was part of a cluster of storms tornadoes that ripped up Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin sunday night.  My sister still lives in the area.

I have been in a couple of tornadoes, one in 1973 was particularly scary.... I was driving across one of the river bridges merely 100 ft behind the funnel..... watching trees getting plucked from the ground.  In 2000 a near event hit our town.  Tornadoes usually have a width of a mile or so.... that event covered over thirty miles..... the winds went from 10 to 120 mph in less that eight seconds... no funnel, so not actually a tornadoe, but the devastation was tremendous.

It has been a  bad season.... All across the country.  It is a fragile world.  Be kind to your brothers and sisters... where ever they are.  That's all I have .....

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Listen Up

OK.  It was an interesting day in good old downtown Wisconsin yesterday. Yessirree, Bob, the sun was shining the grass was greening and little budding things are showing up on the trees. Makes a man proud to be human, not that I am really a proud guy or anything and the human part, well I question iffen that is a whole lot to be proud of sometimes, but it ain't no never mind one way or another, see, cause it is what it is.

I started the day with a nice big old cup of coffee down at the Moon, which I usually do, seeing that it is half price before 8am and Aron usually plays that old Tin Pan Alley and folky kinda music which you don't hear too much in most other places, so it is an ok deal to me.  Well, normally it is pretty quiet in the morning, Painter Mike will come in and exchange a few words, Peggy will be walking around cleaning up things that really don't need cleaning, see, she has some kind of brain malfunction, which again, ain't no never mind, she just keeps saying good morning to everyone, and keeps picking up things that don't need picking up...see,  she is just cleaning, but if she is in a cleaning mode, you best watch your coffee and newspaper, or if you go to the bathroom at least tell her not to pick up your stuff, cause you're not done, and then she will say "Ok," and leave it alone.
Alot of Bible type folks like to come in and have small little talks, meetings in there, too, which is ok. cause most of them are quiet and they talk about Jesus while getting caffeinated, which I guess helps some, and then they all hold hands and close their eyes and say a little prayer over their Lattes and Espressos, which is mostly not needed, cause the coffee is pretty good in the first place, see.  But yesterday there was a different kind of Christians in there, and they were a little louder than the Latte and Espresso Christians.

These guys, you see, you couldn't tune them out, were a little louder than they should be, as if they were not trying to talk with each other, but to the whole coffee house, like they were preaching on the street, which I wish they were, cause I was talking with Painter Mike and he was a whole lot more interesting and I really didn't want to listen to them, but there they were, loud as all get out.
"Gays, bisexuals, " this guy was saying, " are the lowest of the hermaphrodites... they wish they could breed and take over the world!!" Now, Painter Mike just kinda looks at me and starts grinning, almost laughing, which was a good thing, cause if I heard a bunch more, why, I was likely to walk over and give them a few words out of MY good book, which really wouldn't have set well with Aron, cause he once explained that he sells coffee to all Political/Sexual/Religious persuasions. "Homosexuals are like worms," this guy was saying, much louder than he should, "you can see them in the morning, after the dew, there on the lawn, fornicating with themselves! Worms are both MALE AND FEMALE.....just like homosexuals!!! The LOWEST of all God's creatures!" Which was funny enough that Painter Mike really started laughing, out loud, and then so did I. "Gees," says Mike, I like worms... they're good for your Gardens." Which kind sets me laughing again, just loud enough to have the Bible-thumpers look at us. "Ya," I said, "and worms  can't be the lowest of God's creatures.... they obviously have not met our Mayor."  Now that sets Mike off laughing again and he says,"Well if Gays are like worms... that explains why Brian and Tony have the best gardens in town!" Now we are laughing and looking right at these guys, and finally they just got up and left... but Mike and I kept laughing.  You can hear the funniest stuff if you just listen. Did remind me,though, that I had promised to go up to the Ex's and fix her compost bin. Maybe get some red worms to drop in there, too. Really helps the compost along. And all God's creatures are good.  Some folks just like to listen to themselves too much, is all.

Later in the afternoon I went to Oblios for a pint. They weather was great so they had a nice crowd on the back patio.  The Kelly brothers were there, and Nick, and Joe and Johnny G. Now, it is a good crowd and good weather usually brings out some nice stories and that is what was happening. Until Johnny G got going.  See, Johnny's favorite topic is, well, Johnny. In minutia. How he grew up, who he knew, where he went grocery shopping when he was a kid, where he was when the moon landing took place.... how his great aunt Agnes died of a hernia that was fixed, but not fixed and ... he starts into this story of when he and his wife were at a 'clothing optional' beach down in Mexico and what the weather was like, then, and what they were drinking and what they had had for lunch and how much it had cost..... I had heard this before, and frankly, there was no point to this story, and for crying out loud, why not just call it a 'NUDE BEACH', really, what is this affectation with 'Clothing Optional' anyways.... so I says, "Good thing we don't have 'clothing optional' beaches, Johnny, cause I would hate to see you on one now!"  Johnny kinda looked at me mean, not that I had kind of insulted him or anything, but I had interrupted his train of thought and now he would have to start all over again, which he would, so I ambled into the bar.  See, I was getting this visual about Johnny on a nude beach, and then I started thinking of worms, and, was starting to laugh and  he woulda gotten really pissed if I had started laughing. That wouldn't have been nice.

When I got inside the bar, I run into Ed, who I hadn't seen for weeks.  I thought he had moved to Canada.
Ed wears English Leather cologne. Just a tad too much, not all that bad, but you can really notice it is English Leather.  He has BEEN in Canada, but hasn't really moved yet. I ask him how he feels moving North.
  "Most everyone thinks I have moved North, but it really is South. Well, and of course, East, but Acton is 43 degrees  38 minutes and 0 seconds N and we are at 44 degrees one minute and 29 seconds North... so it really is moving South even if everyone thinks that all of Canada is North!"

So he really hasn't moved, yet.  He still has to sell his condo here.  And pack up stuff.  I guess he has tons of books.  Lot of Arthur Conan Doyle.  He is what they call a "Sherlockian". He is also a Baker Street Irregular....
"It's a world wide group, Jim, that is all about everything Holmes.  You can't just get to BE a Baker Street Irregular.... you have to be NOMINATED from a different, local club... then you are selected, see, and go to New York for the annual banquet, and are given a "Irregular Shilling" it's a great honor!"
That is where he met Dana... in New York at the Banquet.  She is a Sherlockian too.He didn't tell me the latitude of New York. I think he would say it was East even though it is South, too. I didn't want to ask.
 Ed's ex-wife was an alcoholic. She is now dead. One of his daughters died in a car accident and a son committed suicide. He has another son, with a lot of drug problems and another daughter that is doing OK.

I met Ed at the Oblio's Fantasy Baseball League draft  years ago.  I hate baseball. they have about ten teams, each throws in $400 and then they do whatever it is that fantasy baseball leagues do.  I don't care, I hate baseball.  They needed an auctioneer, see, and that is how I came into the deal. Free beer while the draft is going on.... Draft for the draft.  And I can auctioneer! What a Deal!  I have been doing it for seven years.  I still hate baseball. It's a mystery to me.  BUT Ed loves baseball.
"Now, if you are ahead by two runs, in the top of the ninth, and they have a man on second, with two outs, and they have a guy at the plate who hits .254 against right hand pitching, but only .185 against lefties, and you have a rightie pitching who has already gone the whole you bring in a leftie to finish?  Of course you do!"
Ed would talk like that. And I would tell him, again, that I really don't know anything about baseball, but it would be no never mind... and he would be off and running again... unless I could get him to talk about Sherlock.
And during the season, not much chance of that.  Ed loves baseball.  He once made a trip to NY to take in a Mets game AND a Yankeees game.... and go to the Sherlock banquet!!  Boy, did I hear about that trip!

Ed could have retired a couple of years ago, but I think he didn't because .... well.... because.  I think he had just given up on dating and went to a lot of ball games and read alot of books.  Until he met Dana... at the Sherlockian thing.  She likes Sherlock, too.  And Alice in Wonderland.  I told her I had once played the Mad Hatter in a childrens play.... she like me right off. I think that is why she likes Ed, too, a blend of logic and the illogical.  She is ten years younger than he is.  I believe they are really happy.  And why he is moving to Canada.

So last night, I say, "How's Canada working out, Eh?"  .... and he rolls his eyes at me. "Funny you should mention that, Eh, cause, see, most Americans do not realize that, in Canada, 'Eh' has many in, 'Do you agree with me', like an affirmation, or they can mean, 'Eh' as in 'how are you' or just plain, 'eh' like in 'whatever'.  Jim, 'Eh' is the most mis-understood expression in the English Language.  And it is totally different than the 'Eh' that is used in the Upper Peninsula. These are important things, you see!"

It was nice talking with him last night.  He had a special shine in his eyes, he seemed to be walking lighter, his laugh seemed ... well, heartier.  Now, mostly, I will tell you that I don't believe in God, but every once in awhile I get to thinking that well maybe... and if there is...  from worms to Johnny G to Ed and to me.....
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven

...... and Ed did not mention baseball once last night.   But he has learned all the words to "Oh, Canada".

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

America needs Rich White Potatoes.... not gay spuds.

"Where in the Constitution does it say the fed. government should regulate potatoes in school lunches? It doesn't."

OK... so I catched-the-ball over at
Tengrain's place... which is a pretty cool spot for humor, snark, neat visual thingees and what-nots.  But anyways... it seems that .....there is a

"The USDA wants to limit the amount of white potatoes used in subsidized lunches for cheap, tasty and unhealthy foods like salty tater-tots, french fries, and "potato bars," meaning baked potatoes stuffed with cheese, sour cream, butter, maybe some chocolate, and so on. It's part of a crackdown on excessive starch, and under the proposal, "school cafeterias would have to limit starchy vegetables such as potatoes, corn, peas and lima beans to a total of one cup per week for lunch,"  I got that from Gawker.

Well shit&whiskers!!!  For one thing... this could be good... iffen it gets old Michele to actually read the Constitution.  And it seems like a good thing for me, too, cause I really like spuds, and gosh... the SCOTUS has just ruled that not only are spuds a really terrific veggie &stuff... they have just as much rights to run campaign ads as corporations, lobbyists, the Koch Bros. and broccoli.  Wowzers..... I am soooooo glad good Michele will defend the good old White Potato....  le
mmee see here.... spuds=good..... gays=bad

On gay marriage: “This is probably the biggest issue that will impact our state and our nation in the last, at least, thirty years. I am not understating that.” — Senator Michele Bachmann
 "I don't know where they're going to get all this money because we're running out of rich people in this country." -Rep. Michele Bachmann

hmmmmm   rich people good, poor people bad...... and we are running out of rich people

I really am glad Bachmann just wants to get things straight (not gay) and is really concerned about veggies (not crackers).  I'm sorry ms Bachmann..... but listening to you.... just sounds like sour cream.

*.... psst, you gonna eat all those fries, or can I have some.  just asking.

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011


In the face of The Republican attack on unions and teachers in the state of Wisconsin.... under the guise of balancing the budget... the voters rebelled and Six Republican State Senators now face recall elections this summer. In retaliation, tuesday the State Assembly passed  a bill that would effectively suppress the votes of students, minorities, the elderly and the poor.  They offered no proof that there ever was a problem with voter fraud.  The proposed implementation of the law is estimated to cost $5.7 million.  So much for balancing the budget.  Democrats desperately tried to pass amendments to soft the bill.  They all failed.

you can read full accounts here and HERE and HERE


"Amendment Fails"

by Jessica Lynne Mundt on Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 12:45am
"This is NOT my Wisconsin. Shame on every representative who chose to follow a party line today instead of actually represent the people entrusted in their care. Shame on every representative who chose to enact the nation's strictest voting regulations without a single amendment today.

Thanks to the representatives who care and have tirelessly fought for the people.........

The following are all status updates from Representative Cory Mason, in chronological order. They speak for themselves and for the absolute lack of decency and democracy that took place in our state capitol today.
Dem amendment to require administration to find a way to pay for voter ID bill without raiding transportation fund; amendment fails.
Dems offer amendment to require DMV's to have evening and Saturdays in every county. Now that we are requiring people to have a DMV issued ID to vote, we should make sure people have access to DMV offices. Many counties have no DMV office or are only open once a month; amendment fails.

 Dems offer amendment to require mobile DMV stations on college campuses if we aren't going to have offices in every county open at night or on weekends; amendment fails.

 Dems offer amendment to have mobile DMV stations in high poverty areas; amendment fails.

Dems offer amendment to clarify what it means to have the name on your ID "conform" to the name on the voter rolls; i.e. John F Smith in the ID versus John Smith on the voter rolls; amendment fails.

 Dems offer an amendment to make it clear on the DMV form that they can get the ID free of charge; amendment fails.

Dems offer an amendment that moves the deadline to clarify the provisional ballot to 10 days after the election; amendment fails.

 Dems offer amendment to address absurdity in the law: you need photo ID to get a birth certificate AND you need a birth certificate to get a photo ID; amendment fails.

 Dems offer amendment to ensure that the homeless and those in transient housing can still vote without proof of residency; amendment fails. Stone, author of the bill says homeless people will now have 'responsibilities' to exercise their right to vote. He also concedes he doesn't know if DOT will give an ID with the address of a public library, as the homeless currently do. Wow.

 Dems offer an amendment to inform the voter if their vote has been deemed provisional. How else are voters to know if they have to correct their ballot; amendment fails.

 Vruwink offers amendment to exempt towns from this bill; amendment fails. So much for local control.

 Dems offer amendment to remove requirement that voters mail in a copy of their photo ID when they vote by mail; amendment fails.

 Dems offer amendment to waive fees for secondary ID's to get DMV voter card to avoid poll tax; amendment fails.

Dems offer amendment that out of state license is acceptable form of ID if corroborating ID of current WI address; amendment fails.

Dems offer amendment to clarify that if license is suspended revoked it is still valid for the purposes of voting; amendment fails.

Dems offer amendment that says employers have to give 3 hours off of work to get to one of these rarely open DMV centers; amendment fails.

Dems offer amendment to require clerks to keep voter lists up to date so that you right to vote is based on you proving your qualification as a voter NOT on the potential mistakes in a voter list; amendment fails.

 Dems offer amendment to keep expired ID's valid back to the last NOVEMBER general election; amendment fails.

 Dems offer an amendment to allow for Student ID's to be valid ID's for the purposes of voting; amendment fails.
Dems offer amendments to allow affidavit to be signed verifying someone's identity if they don't have proper documentation on Election Day; they all fail.

 Dems offer amendment to restore straight ticket voting; amendment fails.

 Dems offer amendment to allow voters to vote without photo ID if they object to photos of themselves being taken for religious reasons; amendment fails.

 Dems offer amendment to all people with disabilities to be required from having to sign the voter roll if a disability prevents them from doing so; amendment fails.
Dems offer amendment to give people with disabilities the opportunity to vote with other forms of government issued ID's; amendment fails.

Dems offer amendment to make it illegal to bribe someone with anything of value in exchange for signing a recall petition. Kensoha bartender was caught on tape trading shots for signatures. Amendment fails.

Dems offer amendment to allow voters to stay on absentee list if they miss one election; amendment fails.

Dems offer amendment to require county clerks to post results online community by community and ward by ward on election day. This would avoid clerks magically finding more than 14,000 votes two days after the election in a way that changes the outcome of a statewide election. Amendment fails.

Dems offer amendment to allow any ID issued by any level of government to be valid for the purposes of voting. It will save the state at least $7 million on the cost of the bill; amendment fails.

Voter suppression bill passes 60-35.

If this breaks your heart like it does mine; if this angers you beyond imagination like it does me; if you are ready and willing to fight and never shut up, never back down to keep basic rights and privileges afforded to us by this country like I am, then please share this. Don't let this night be forgotten. "


Senin, 16 Mei 2011

While I was waiting... for something of interest

So....... Huckaberry is NOT running..................

.... and the white rabbit  newt is..

 ..and I was waiting for something of interest..... and I found it!!  Lawrence Ferlinghettis is 92 and still writing,,,, thank you very much!!

I Am Waiting

I am waiting for my case to come up
and I am waiting
for a rebirth of wonder
and I am waiting
for someone to really discover America
and wail
and I am waiting
for the discovery
of a new symbolic western frontier
and I am waiting
for the American Eagle
to really spread its wings
and straighten up and fly right
and I am waiting
for the Age of Anxiety
to drop dead
and I am waiting
for the war to be fought
which will make the world safe
for anarchy
and I am waiting
for the final withering away
of all governments
and I am perpetually awaiting
a rebirth of wonder

I am waiting for the Second Coming
and I am waiting
for a religious revival
to sweep through the state of Arizona
and I am waiting
for the Grapes of Wrath to be stored
and I am waiting
for them to prove
that God is really American
and I am waiting
to see God on television
piped’ onto church altars
if only they can find
the right channel
to tune in on
and I am waiting
for the Last Supper to be served again
with a strange new appetizer
and I am perpetually awaiting
a rebirth of wonder

I am waiting for my number to be called
and I am waiting
for the Salvation Army to take over
and I am waiting
for the meek to be blessed
and inherit the earth
without taxes and I am waiting
for forests and animals
to reclaim the earth as theirs
and I am waiting
for a way to be devised
to destroy all nationalisms
without killing anybody
and I am waiting
for linnets and planets to fall like rain
and I am waiting for lovers and weepers
to lie down together again
in a new rebirth of wonder

I am waiting for the Great Divide to ‘be crossed
and I am anxiously waiting
for the secret of eternal life to be discovered
by an obscure general practitioner
and I am waiting
for the storms of life
to be over
and I am waiting
to set sail for happiness
and I am waiting
for a reconstructed Mayflower
to reach America
with its picture story and tv rights
sold in advance to the natives
and I am waiting
for the lost music to sound again
in the Lost Continent
in a new rebirth of wonder

I am waiting for the day
that maketh all things clear
and I am awaiting retribution
for what America did
to Tom Sawyer
and I am waiting
for the American Boy
to take off Beauty’s clothes
and get on top of her
and I am waiting
for Alice in Wonderland
to retransmit to me
her total dream of innocence
and I am waiting
for Childe Roland to come
to the final darkest tower
and I am waiting
for Aphrodite
to grow live arms
at a final disarmament conference
in a new rebirth of wonder

I am waiting
to get some intimations
of immortality
by recollecting my early childhood
and I am waiting
for the green mornings to come again
youth’s dumb green fields come back again
and I am waiting
for some strains of unpremeditated art
to shake my typewriter
and I am waiting to write
the great indelible poem
and I am waiting
for the last long careless rapture
and I am perpetually waiting
for the fleeing lovers on the Grecian Urn
to catch each other up at last
and embrace
and I am waiting
perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder

Lawrence Ferlinghetti


Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

A good hambergurger..... or sex?

So this guy down the road here in Beautiful Downtown Wisconsin is on his way to eating 25,000 Big Macs.  Yupperz.... it's a real milestone!  At about 3pm may 17 inside the McDonald's at 699 S Military in Fond du Lac, if anyone wants to watch.  Or, if you just want to laugh... really ... read the story on the link.... I can't make this up...

"In his basement are relics from the original McDonald’s on Military. On a section of the wall is the seat he sat in during the film “Super Size Me,” and the booth seat where he and his father enjoyed his 10,000th Big Mac."

Said he wanted to be surrounded by family and friends when he scarves down the 25,000th.  Ssheesh!!

Now, don't get me wrong... I like hamburgers.  I used to go out of my way to hit a good burger joint.  Used to be one a ways up north that made them with fresh ground beef... Old Slim ground it himself.. also had great vegetable soup.... from veggies he grew himself.  Plain burgers with a good homemade bun... a cup of coffee...  when you are on the road a lot, there is nothing better.  But a Big Mac is really not a Burger....more like... gees, I dunno!

There's another place, I was told about, down in AZ and Dallas called the Heart Attack Grill  that thinks they are really special for making some really gross stuff.

but those are not burgers..... more like Franken-food.
.... but the waitresses look good.... maybe just skip the burger....  add a little mustard, maybe a pickle ...hold the fries.

So what is up... with America.... we elect fake politicians... eat fake food... watch fake TV....FAKE fake fake.... gees....even most of the sex is fake.  Now, getting back to the guy in Fond du Lac.... if he had been celebrating the 25,000th time he got laid.... now that WOULD be something.  Gees, if I WAS CELEBRATING THAT.... why I just might want to be surrounded by family and friends, too!!

.... but noperz,,,,, unfortunately that is not happening... or at least not today.  Think I will just walk down to the local butcher shop (still have one!) buy a bit of ground beef... truck to the local bakery (still have one!) and get me some buns and make an honest burger.
... make me some coffee... put a little Holst on the stereo.  NOW....if I could just find a honest politician....

............and.... iffen I was Charlie Sheen... I could have my burger & a waitress , too... or three, or four. ... but that wouldn't be honest.

Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Blogger is back..... but I forgot what I was going to say,girls/style,design

Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

Newt Gingrinch... Terrorist or Unethical Fool?

 Gingrich....  is a Muslim extremist...

 Wikipedia: "Newt is of the Salamandridae family"

... and everyone knows the  bin Salamandridae family live right next door to the bin Ladens!!!!!!

.... and America doan need no more terrorist.... we's already got bin Palin, bin Pawlenty,  bin Bachmann, bin Trump, bin Paul, bin Santorum, bin Romney, bin Dere..... shit, America about bin over and they wanna me to bin over and over again. UHuh... I bin pulling up my pants! I aina gonna Bin over no more!  Noperz!

.. bin Salamandridae would crash an airplane into the Constitution!!!

..... gees, I need a happy hour what serves some frog legs!  Is it three o'clock yet?

ya, I bin waiting for the Republican Party to come up with a candidate and all they serve me is a stupid lizard..... sheesh!

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Trump: "Wrong man killed in Abbottabad"

In a news conference today outside of the Trump Tower swimming pool Presidential candidate Donald Trump says that he has conclusive evidence that the raid in Pakistani did not occur and all footage was faked and that in reality guitarist Dusty Hill from ZZ Top was slain at a music studio outside of Austin, Texas.  " I want to see the photos, or at least see if they go on tour without Dusty." a disgruntled Trump said. "Hey even if some of my friends are blacks, like Clifton, my personal bartender, it is a well known fact that Black Presidents easily mix up White Guys, or Guys That Could Pass for White Guys, like bin Laden."

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Great Minds think alike... and then there are Republicans... a day with Eric Hofer

"Rudeness is the weak mans imitation of strength."
Eric Hoffer

"Our greatest pretenses are built up not to hide the evil and the ugly in us, but our emptiness. The hardest thing to hide is something that is not there."
Eric Hoffer
"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life."
Eric Hoffer
"What monstrosities would walk the streets were some people's faces as unfinished as their minds."
Eric Hoffer
"Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and turns into a racket."
Eric Hoffer
"The quality of ideas seems to play a minor role in mass movement leadership. What counts is the arrogant gesture, the complete disregard of the opinion of others, the singlehanded defiance of the world."
Eric Hoffer
"An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head."
Eric Hoffer
 Lookit here son, I say son, did ya see that hawk after those hens? He scared 'em! That Rhode Island Red turned white. Then blue. Rhode Island. Red, white, and blue. That's a joke, son. A flag waver. You're built too low. The fast ones go over your head. Ya got a hole in your glove. I keep pitchin' 'em and you keep missin' 'em. Ya gotta keep your eye on the ball. Eye. Ball. I almost had a gag, son. Joke, that is. 
Foghorn Leghorn

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

a monday thought....

There's sunshine in the heart of me,
My blood sings in the breeze;
The mountains are a part of me,
I'm fellow to the trees.
My golden youth I'm squandering,
Sun-libertine am I;
A-wandering, a-wandering,
Until the day I die.

Robert W Service

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

I'm the one with hair.... just saying...

well.... I ain't got nothing.  It's the Gallery Walk tonight....... and the weather seems like it will be ok.   I always like to check out Jambalaya... see what the folks there have been up to.... Dan Weber breaks me up!!!

course.... the Best Part of Gallery Walk night is that Oblio's  is right in the middle of the thingee....  Now it just dawned on me that I talk about the place a lot. (and have beers there a lot)... but it really is a nice spot.... and there has been a bar in the location since 1874.  My friend Lee wrote a very nice history of the place at his Blog and I thought it might be of some interest.  Check it out here.... and PART 2    it is a two part article... hope some may enjoy.....
and if you are out... tonight... in beauriful Downtown Wisconsin.... check me out

Lee Mooka J and me

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Oh, gees.

the network’s overuse of a loud, annoying Price Is Right bell to cut candidates off in mid-sentence only added to the aura that this affair was a tawdry game show waiting for someone to mercifully hit a gong.

well... that is how Matt Latimer at the Daily Beast summarized it.

To me it was....
... nothing.  Not fun.... not interesting.  The whole thing looked canned.... canned questions, canned answers..... canned people.
 and... then I remembered.... dog shit is one of the few things that cannot be composted.

Have a good friday.

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Fox and Fiends

OK.  I have an inquiring mind.  It leads me down paths unimagined.  Which is good, cause mostly when I walk those paths I end up thinking, "Whoa... how did I get here?" and try to scuttle back to a point where the unimagined is best left unimagined.  Like that time I tried a couple of shots of Wild Turkey with some beer chasers.  Oh, boy, you cannot imagine what I didn't unimagined that night!!!

But anywayz... of late... I have run into new blogger folks... and have 'talked' with some on FB as well... and boy&stuff.... I have found some new paths.  see, the esteemed TNlib from PARSLEY'S PICKS posted on FB a NPR link to a book review of Willa Cather....and I went down that path...really didn't like the review... but the next thingee was a review of a book by William Maxwell, who I HAD NEVER READ.  Well, stuff and such.... I am now eating his short stories like popcorn.  Well, who would have imagined.

I also ran into a fellow called INFIDEL753. ...... see, on saturday's he does a complete review of all the cool things, links, posts he has found through the week.....if you really really really want to pick up some neat unimagined paths... check him out on Saturdays. 

WELL......anywayz.... I had a few beers last night with Bill-a-Lang, and George and Karl... no Wild Turkey....but the fun was there, and so was the beer.  When I got home I checked out this "Fox & Friends" thing on the cable cause I hear folks talking about it..... shit... I should have had the Wild Turkey shot!!!  These guys were flapping lips, spewing spittle and generally stumbling over each other trying to say something dumber than the other one had just said.  and Sean Haninsanity looked like some one had just given him a big shot of Novocaine in the old testicle sac and he was grooving on the feeling.  No Shit.  I never saw anyone so proud of having numb nutz!  Well, what with them spinning and churning and telling me that it really was Pat Robertson and Ronald Reagan who put the stop to Osama bin Laden, and how that President of ours should really show the pictures, cause how can Robertson and Reagan get the credit they deserve if he don't.... and such stuff.  Well, I decided that maybe it would be more fun to pick up soft dog shit with chopsticks than to watch this....and when they broke for a commercial.... for.... truly, I cannot make this up... Preparation H... I decided to find something better to watch cause I really was starting to feel a bit of rectal itch.=,  And bless me&stuff there was.. cable TV is a many splendorous thing.

oh... I felt better already.... boy that granny... she asks all the tough questions that Hannity could only hope to ask... like

" How do you like yer possum, falling off the bones tender or with a little fight left in it?"

Yessirre bob!  I learned my lesson.  If I truly want to get divergent views, find new books and music, well gosh, I will find good folks on the net... cause it sure enough is not on Fox.  Boy, I had really really bad dreams, had to get up several times to go to the bathroom... ah, it was terrible.  And I will never never watch Sean Hannity... ever again, see, cause like good old Uncle Jed said....
"if brains was lard, that boy wouldn`t have enough to grease a skillet." 

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Hair of the Dog

Donald Trump's "REAL HAIR" has been in hiding for over ten years in a secret multi-million dollar casino compound off the Jersey Shore.

My sources reveal that the White House has plans to dispatch a secret elite force of commandos from the Dept of National Parks known as PENGUINS.... get that hair at all costs.
"I just have to say...... we can no longer..... ignore this terrorist threat ,,,, to good taste.... to decent hair coloring... to ... everything that is good about America." President Obama said, in that halting manner of speech that has become his endearing  trade mark.

"If I can give up Marlboros.... the Donald can give up hair." The President added, smirkingly.

He further added that the elite PENGUINS  will be armed with combs, brushes, Brylecreme, Hair Color for Men and "Whatever else it takes. That hair makes me ashamed to be part White."

".... and.... to be fair..... to all my Black Brothers and Sisters..... to show that I am not a racist.....Al Sharpton's stupid pompadour is in....  my cross-hairs.....too." 

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Things to do

Whoa, I have no time for blogging.... out of peanut butter, bananas, milk.... all the must-have things in my kitchen.
Sooooooo off to the market!

Plus.... it's Tuesday, and someone reminded me that Beckett's has $1 fish taco's on Tuesdays!!!!!

Now, it's a little chilly for sitting out along the river........ but I haven't been down there in a bunch and I'm sure they have a few new tap beers.  But gees... the tacos are great and the price is right up there in line with my budget.

.................... or......... I could do the laundry.

Boy.... choices, choices....