Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Come and visit Wisconsin... the cheese really stinks.

OK.  The State of Wisxonsin.... is really working hard to repair it's budget.... cause we are broke, see.

"The budget committee also voted Friday to ban using state money for abortions at the Madison Surgery Center, which is operated by the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
No abortions are done at the facility." Green Bay Press Gazette

Well that is hunky dory...Let's ban something that wasn't there... saves a lot of money... but it makes it seem like the STATE WAS DOING ABORTIONS... SO THE RADICAL RELIGIOUS WILL SUPPORT THE GOVERNOR... HE DONE BANNED ABORTIONS!!  What a crock of bullshit.

Plus... there is a new rule that would mandate contracting certain road to private companies. Oshkosh Norwestern
One of the committee's last votes was to approve a tax cut for manufacturers that eventually would cost the state $128 million a year. "..requires counties and municipalities to hire private companies to do any project that costs more than $100,000 and end equipment-sharing efforts that local officials say have kept the cost of local road maintenance down."  well, tax dollars SHOULD go to the highest bidder!! It is a shame that local and county governments provide services!!!

One of the committee's last votes was to approve a tax cut for manufacturers that eventually would cost the state $128 million a year.

So... let's ban abortions, where they are not being done... let's take state, county and local governments out of the road repair business, roads that were built with tax dollars... and give that away.  Let's give more breaks to businesses that are already paying little taxes..... in the high hopes that they may even pay less in the future.

Wellllll.... some good folks in Wisconsin are not taking this lightly.  Teachers, Unionists, public workers, firemen, prison guards... have been protesting since this shit started... they have now erected a tent city by the capital to keep the protests going.  It's called "Walkerville"

 Well,,,, there is another provision in the budget that would give tax breaks to , get this, Phillip Morris, see, cause they really really create jobs in Wisconsin.  More info at MADISON.COM

"Dear Editor: The Joint Finance Committee voted Tuesday, 13-3, to change taxation on smokeless tobacco products from one based on price - where the tax automatically follows inflation - to one based on weight. This move would make some smokeless tobacco much less expensive and give a competitive edge to the tobacco giant Philip Morris USA.
That vote coupled with the committee's decision to double cuts to the state's effective and popular Tobacco Prevention and Control Program is devastating to the health of Wisconsin and sets the state up for a future with more needless addiction and higher health care costs."

There is just too much shit... wading through it all becomes a full time job.  These folks in Wisconsin are no longer legislators, they are thieves, liars, cheats and crooks.  Another proviso in the "Budget" would limit the amount of personal income a legislator needs reveal.... Holy Conflict of Interest Batman!!"  And... upset with the recall effort, six state Senators are facing recall, the state GOP is toying with the idea of running fake candidates.

But... you see, it is all about creating jobs, balancing our budget..... and paying back your corporate sponsors.

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