OK....so I cropped the photo a bit, big deal, but this is what was on the front page of my local newspaper today! Udderly ridiculous! NOW... I could milk this for all it's worth...see, and I just might. The story was about big factory dairy farms, places with over 2,000 cows. Turns out there a bunches of them, and that's no bullshit, but I figured they could have found a better photo. Times are what they are, though, and I am sure the paper doesn't hire the cream of the crop anymore. Well before anyone tries to butter me up for posting such a cool photo, and one of you out there might, I have to say that it is just so hot lately that all my thoughts just curdle. But listen, see, the photographer could have taken a FRONTAL view, asked the cow to say, "CHEESE", BUT no no no...
Anyway.... at least it wasn't a picture of a politician.....
...... then.... it would have been
Just another.....
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