Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

When A Republican was someone to trust

Been immersed in history lately.  You know, stuff gone by, the past, mistakes that, if we study them, we will not make again.  Now, I like history.  Always fascinated me. Of course, belly button lint fascinates me, too.  Anyways... the Civil War has always been a subject of deep interest... it's causes, it's politcal appl,ications, the social change, the deep seated regionalism of the times.  So that is what I have been reading lately..... and that is not what I am thinking about now... but a few words grabbed my attention to day.....

a new birth of freedom --
and that government of the people,
by the people,
for the people,
shall not perish from the earth.

....we need a new birth of freedom.... for people....
our government needs to realize, again...that it serves the people

we need to rededicate ourselves to the words of that President..... and not the corporation that carried his name.

... but what do I know

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

nope, not today

Profundity escapes me today.  Humor, too..... the words are there.... but there are elusive birds... all the vowels, and nouns and chirping punctuation marks.

a good day to take a book to the river.

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Aw, just stuff....

Snickers.  The Family Dog.... even though she showed up right after my wife and I separated, but before we became Ex's.  That ain't no never mind, and it isn't of particular note, but the kids were ten and seven when Cheryl bought her.  Pure bred Bishon.  So we shared custody of two kids.... and a dog.  For almost fifteen years.

Two weeks ago we had to put her down.  She was almost totally blind, had arthritis in her hips, couldn't eat much ...kidneys were failing.  Cheryl called me and said it was time.  Snickers had a seizure, was shaking, convulsing...did not seem to recognize who we were .... where she was...just pain.  So Cheryl and Wonder Girl and I took her on her last ride.  The Girl held her at the end... and wept.  Cheryl cried.  Me too.  I took her collar off and we went back to Cheryl's house.  Pretty quiet, all of us.  She had given us so much, and it was the last favor we could do.  The Kid went to her room to cry... Cheryl and I sat in the kitchen....we talked... she cried a bit... then she went to her freezer and pulled out a small ziplock bag    that had..... a frozen potato dumpling in it....... and then we laughed right on through the tears.

See, the deal was... it was the last dumpling that my Aunt Helen, my father's older sister, had made, something that she was famous for making. Legends are told of those dumplings...seriously... they were that good.

Helen never married, had been a career woman with the phone company, bac when it was called the Bell System.  Forty-two years she worked for them. My sister and I were her main 'kids'... our children were her 'grandchildren'... that was how it was... she would spend days at our house sitting with the kids, and the dog, while Cheryl finished Grad School. Her opinions were open, unguarded and some what officious. Sometimes we became employees instead of relatives, but that is no never mind.  Once a month, at least, we went to her apartment for a dinner of pot roast... and those awesome dumplings.  There is more to say about all that, but it would go on forever and there just isn't much point in that.  She was Helen and Aunt was her title and she wore it as if it were Queen, or President, or Pope.. or whatever.  Aunt Helen.  One word.

She developed Pancreatic Cancer.  The doctor said about six months.  She made it another sixteen.  We took care of her as much as we could.... but she continued to lose weight, got feebler in body... never her mind, but finally I had to get her a room at a hospice where she would be as comfortable as possible.  I was there at least three times a day, more if my schedule would allow... and some days I could get her to eat a little.

On December 28th, 1998... I was at my house with the kids when I had a premonition that I really still cannot describe. It was late and I called Cheryl and asked to come and watch the kids... I was going back to the hospice......

Helen was down to about 80 pounds by then and really couldn't speak anymore.  When I got there I kissed her on the forehead, she woke and mouthed, "Hi, Jim."  I told her Christmas was over... I mentioned who had been up to see her, the memory was slipping away on her.  I told her what the kids were doing, that Cheryl was with them..... and then I told her..... it was ok... to go home...

See, it had dawned on me that she would not die until after the Holiday, that she would not ruin a celebration by dying ... she was that kind of person.  Well, her eyes went wide... she motioned me to get her rosary beads... and she slowly mouthed prayers... and slept,.. and prayed.  I fell asleep in a chair.  They woke me about six am.  She was gone.

Well, I thought of all that two weeks ago, that potato dumpling in the freezer bag on the counter between me and my Ex.  We told a few Snicker stories... and Helen ones.  We got teary and laughed. And teary and laughed.  It is what it is.  Before I left I slipped the dog collar in the bag with the dumpling and put it back in the freezer.

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

New Year Resolutions....

 ok... why wait for Yew Nears to make a resolution... nobody ever keeps them anywayz!
I prefer to make them on my birthday... and I like to keep them REAL, I mean, see, things I truly mean to do... so, here goes!!!!

 ........ never drink cheap beer

..... never...ever... get a crewcut....

never buy, much less wear... plaid shorts.

 .... never buy, eat, or even think about wearing beef liver

AND....  I will never, ever, noways, nohow,uh-uh, nope , ain't happening..... wear socks with flip-flops.... ESPECIALLY while not wearing plaid shorts and beef liver!!!!

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Where the heart is... and ain't

Norwalk Tunnel- Sparta_Elroy Bike Trail
It was a quick trip, less than 24 hours, back home, which is a funny way to describe it as I lived there only twelve years as opposed to the almost forty I have lived here, but it is where I grew up.  Western Wisconsin with it's hills and valleys and small running creeks and foggy bottoms and farms always will seem like home. It is where my parents lived.... and I guess, in some sense, it was where my home was.

We sold my mother's house. There were items I had left there, stored there, that needed to be moved and this was the time it had to be done.
I didn't get about on this trip... spent time with my sister and brother-in-law, cleaned out the last little bit out of the house and came back..... home.  But it got me thinking about where home really is.

I went to grade school there, High School, played football there, went to prom, had my first girlfriend, got laid for the first time, first beer party, swimming in the lakes, doing the bike trail, it always felt like home, and yet, when it came time to leave yesterday... I felt relieved... to be coming home.  Here.  Where I went to college... joined the debate team when I could not make the football team... had multiple girlfriends, smoked my first joint.... and made friends that are still with me.  Here.  I got married, had children, bought a house, got a divorce, watched my children go to the same college I did... I guess here.... is home. Oshkosh.  It is where my parents got married, where all my relatives lived.  Well they are mostly all dead, my son has moved to Oregon, my daughter graduates in December and I do not expect her to hang around.... here... home... for very long after that.  So, will this, here, still be home?
I think of moving elsewhere....no where in particular, just elsewhere, and extinguish this notion of home altogether.  But then I know it will never be possible... as long as I have a memory and a heart.

Back... home.... there is a nice thirty some mile bike trail that was made of a old railroad bed, a neat level grade through the hills.  I used to ride it frequently... made special trips just to ride it.  Years ago, when home for holidays I would gather my kids, their cousins, and take them on a hike on the trail, through the longest tunnel, nearly a mile long.  They would hoot in the darkness, collect bugs and leaves that would strike their fancy, look for frogs in the creek and generally have a great time being kids.  Now they are gone; Portland, Minneapolis, San Diego, Madison, Milwaukee. I miss those hikes...and their laughter.
  In their lives, so far, they have gone places I never have and never will... Korea, Australia, Germany, France, Peru, Vietnam, Italy,......... It was like they walked through a tunnel... and went home.  Where ever that is.

Homeward bound
I wish I was
Homeward bound
Home, where my thought's escaping
Home, where my music's playing
Home, where my love lies waiting
Silently for me
Silently for me
Silently for me

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Mid August and How I Count My Richs and Get Stimulated...

I broke into my Savings..... thought I would go out and buy one a dem HD LCD PCP LSD HIFI STP 40050 inch flat screen TV thingees... do my part to try to stimulate the economy of Japan....

...... maybe put it over by the fireplace......
but when all the counting was done... I only had enough to stimulate a bit of the local economy...

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

This little piggie.....

SPAM is the undisputed king of mystery meat. Made of pig parts and secret spices, cooked in its own cans right on the assembly line

 ...hmmmmmm....lemmmee see, lotza Pork in Iowa..... hmmmmm.... The Spam museum is in Minnesota..... hmmmm are there dots to connect...

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

a shared room is forever

Uncle John on his porch
I call my younger brother John most Sunday mornings.  I need to wait until almost 10:30 CDT because he lives just a few miles south of British Columbia and a scant few just east of Puget Sound. He rises early enough, but prefers to talk after he has had time to fully wake up.

He is just two and a half years behind me in age but, at 6'8", a full eight inches taller. His voice has the tone of a bear in springtime asking for a fresh cup of coffee. When he was in HS we called him Lurch. He had that kind of presence. Generally, he is a kind soul, but when angry he is like a bear in springtime without a cup of coffee.

As kid's we shared a bedroom.  He would steal my comics. Sometimes I would get them back. Other time's he would hide them in the attic and disavow any knowledge of how the got there... except we  all knew he was the only one who went into the attic.  It was his cave when we were kids.

Now he lives on six or so acres in northern Washington.  His wife is a Canadian.  They have apples and pears and cherries and kiwi that they grow and press into juice or make jams and jellies, depending on how plentiful the harvest was; when it is a good harvest he mails me a box of jam at Christmas. His wife cans salmon and halibut and fixes the plumbing.  He tends to the chickens and geese, which they give names to, but subsequently eat. He once told of having to buy a slingshot to shoot at the eagles that would perch in an old dead tree on the property and prey on his chickens.  Finally he just cut down the tree. His chickens are truly free range and he rounds them up at night.  I think he buys them comic books, too, just so he can steal them.

I remember driving with him from Wisconsin to Idaho back in '77 when he first moved west, but before he moved to Washington. His old Pinto station wagon would not make it up a mountain in Montana, four-cylinder cars need more air than mountains will give, and I had to push it up the last few feet.  Then he scared the shit out of me driving down.  He likes mountains. I visited once and we went camping in the Olympic mountains.  His idea of camping is just a sleeping bag, some granola bars... and a pint of whiskey. Maybe a flashlight.  I think I preferred sharing a bedroom with him rather than a mountain, but he taught me then that reading stars can be more entertaining that comic books.

They are having a party next week, always the last week in August, when their Canadian friends come down from Vancouver and they harvest blackberries and drink wine and sit around grilling Salmon, playing music, smoking dope and eating fresh veggies.  I hope to go next year.

It is almost time to give him a call.  I hope he has had his coffee, see, I wouldn't want to talk to him when he is grouchy.  He may steal my comics....but that would be ok, cause once you share a bedroom with a brother..... it is almost better than sharing parents.

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

IT's two o'crock on a friday... have you had your Prozac yet?

Hmmmmm... looks a little glassy eyed to me.... makes me think I need a beer ( I NEVER REALLY NEED ONE...... ), it's cheaper than buying a Newsweek

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Oh Well

Well, the first round of recall elections in Wisco are over.  The Dems picked up two State Senate seats.  There are still two Dems up for recall, elections next week.  Stuff.  Most telling... in my senate district, Jess King defeated the incumbent Repub.... significant primarily because a Democrat has not represented the district in about thirty years... and no woman has ever before won in the District.  Hmmmm.

In other news.... I haven't shaved since Sunday... and no one has noticed, or they are too kind to say something.

The price of gas has gone down....  now let's work on the price of beer.

I have discovered 1001 variations in the making of Ramen Noodles.... poverty can spur the imagination.

Still wondering WHY "Ice Road Truckers" is on the HISTORY CHANNEL .... like, gee whiz, have we run out of history this quickly?

The penguin is an endangered bird in Wisconsin.... so if you see one crossing the road... don't run it over.

Don't tell secrets in farm fields... the corn has ears.

....... and... lastly.... every man woman and child in the State of North Dakota (plus two folks in Manitoba) has decided to run as the Republican Candidate for President in 2012

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Pissed off Badgers go to Polls

WISCONSIN RECALL  STARTS TODAY... I got to the polls about 7:30 and was #26. I will be so relieved when it is all over, hopefully with an outcome that will stop the Radical Republicans.... but ast least the grotesque attacks ads will be off TV.

I still can't put a finger on what will happen.... but I have hopes

I hope the Run Amok Republicans are stopped
I hope Civil discourse is restored in the State
I hope that sanity is restored to legislature..
I hope this movement spreads
I hope this is the beginning of the end to irrational idiots like Michelle Bachmann and her ilk
.... but mostly......

I hope..

...that by 3:30 the news is good enough for me to finally ... truly... enjoy a beer again.

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Ok... so I haven't written anything for awhile....

See... it was a busy week...... they kept calling me from Washington DC to get my opinion on the budget.  I don't think they liked my suggestion..... 'Let Congress eat Ramen noodles for a week and see how they like it'..... but at least they had the sense to call an astute thinker like me.  'Course they didn't like my second suggestion much either..... "Let Congress eat Shit"..... well anyways... with some other time in my hands I delved into some research and discovered that, yes in-deedy-do, the Pope is Catholic and, with some exceptions for the ones in zoos, Bears do shit in the woods.  So there you have it.

Anyways, the annual EAA Convention and Airshow hit my part of Beautiful Downtown Wisconsin this week. Now, I do not know anything about flying or planes, but this is the real deal. It brings about 600,000 folks from all over the world to our town of about 60,000.  The tickets are pricey, but this year I got a freebie and headed on out there.  Saw some pretty nifty stuff.  Got to talk with one of the original Tuskegee Airmen.  Verrrrry cool. The guys was old and chatty... and incredibly interesting.  If you need to know more, and you should, check them out on the web.  Just saying.

I also got to see the last flying B-29 bomber ... the same type that dropped the A Bomb. (hey, sorry about the shitty pictures, but stupid me left the camera at home and I had to use my phone.)

Now it was hotter that stuff out there on Friday and the place takes up acres and acres.  Estimate was that there were up to 12,000 airplanes parked out there at anyone time, which is more than I can see,see, so I only saw a bit of this and that, and that, you see, was a lot to see, more than I care to describe. I did get a chance to drop in to a booth for Cirrus aircraft... real nifty stuff... a brand new plane starting at $350K.... course I would hold out for their new jet...

... they are taking orders right now... starting at $1.5MM. Maybe with next years tax break I can order one.

So for a week you could see and hear airplanes and jets all over the place.  Kinda helps you remember that it is a big wide world out there and no matter who you are, individuals only take up a very very small spot of it all..... which is probably a good thing, see, cause lately, when you turn on the TV, why, gosh, there seems to be a whole bunch of individuals that think they take up more space and importance than any one person really should.  And that is a shame.  Walking the grounds at the EAA show you realixe that, though some of them have a ton of money, the folks there, the big thing is everyone there had a common interest.  It is not unusual to run into someone who has been building their own plane, and spending ten years to do it.

So it was all fun  and interesting.
Saturday I biked the four miles or so to another gathering... at the Yacht Club... The Oshkosh South Side Ice Yacht Club.

Now, this was a gathering of quite different folks.  We live on a big lake and it has been an ice boaters Mecca for a long time.  Back in 1937 a Speed record was set on some good black ice... 147mph.

The club is over 70 years old and consists of  a modest old building that was moved to the spot in about the early 60's.  The public is always welcome... great view of the lake and a nice little harbor to pull a boat into.  No liquor at the bar... only bottle beer... and only a few varieties... and only $1.50 a bottle.  They serve fish on Fridays... a deep fried catfish plate can be had for $5.95.. with fries, Cole slaw and rye bread.  Saturday was a nice, modest gathering... must have been a hundred or so folks... talking fishing, boating and the Green Bay Packers.  Brats and Burgers and corn on the cob.  Local rock band playing oldies.  I checked into some ice boat prices on the net.... oh, say, from $700 to $4000 used, depending on how fancy you want to get.  I am sure there are new ones that might cost more.  I truly doubt if any would cost $1.5 MM.

But I guess it is not whether you fly through the air, or across the ice... but who you hang out with, what your interest is.  The air show was nice... I really liked it... but there was something about the Yacht club that was even better.... cheap beer bought for you by men that know your name and smile as they hand you the bottle.   As the commercial says.... priceless.