Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Stout Hearted Men

Well so far the best part of the holiday has been the tapping of the Stout at Oblio's..... CENTRAL WATERS  Bourbon Barrel Stout.

this stuff is GREAT.... a review from a Madison Beer Review: 

Central Waters Bourbon Barrel Stout

Appearance: deep dark brown with a thick, foamy beige head; the head falls away somewhat quickly leaving some alcohol, but no lacing, on the sides
Aroma: sweet and bourbonish with a dense aroma of chocolate and malt – almost of bitter chocolate, with a long, lingering brightness
Flavor: chocolates and bourbon with a long, lingering bitter dark chocolate finish
Body: deep and thick; like drinking chocolate out of bottle with a slight cordial flavor, without the cherry
Drinkability: perfect for an aperitif, a six pack would be nice to supplement and sustain throughout the winter
Summary: a great beer that is rapidly becoming the hallmark and calling card of Central Waters – a reputation maker and a business sustainer; a damn fine beer. 

  Well,,, I could not say it better. Also it runs close to %10 .... and it runs a nice $5.25 a pint ... so it is not a quick drink.... it is absolutely excellent with a aged Swiss...

I normally do not do beer reviews... but this stuff is so good... I have never 'saved' beer... but I plan on trying to buy a six pack of this and store it... word is it is even better after a year.

Oh, in other news... Christmas is over!!!! I have watched "It's A Wonderful Life" "Christmas Story" " Lampoon's Christmas" and my fav, " Bad Santa".  All went well... I got some socks and underwear... got gifted at the Moon coffee house and some music.  Black Keys new album.   There is NO SNOW.. and it feels like 40 outside... anywaays.... I felt burnt out.....
But I should be a stout hearted man by 5!

I can Handle It
Just say "Cheese" a new year approaches!

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Sing sing song sing a song

My favorite elf was about 5 years old that year.  We were watching "The Grinch" and she came sliding across the couch to snuggle in next to me.  Crossed her arms and looked at me seriously.

"You know, Daddy, they have this stuff now that you just brush into your beard and then you take a shower and all that grey will go away."  They beard was the first to succumb to age color variation, you see.

She was seriously serious.  So I bought a box of that stuff, wrapped it up and put it under the tree for Christmas morning.  From Santa.
And boy did she get excited that morning.  Not another present did she open, my hand was grabbed and off to the bathroom we went.  She applied it with studious care, if not with a concern for 'neatness'.  It was all over the place.  I still have that t-shirt I wore all flecked with brown.
I don't much believe in Santa Claus.... but the love of elves is very very real.

My friend David Barber has posted a couple of his favorite Christmas type songs

So, golllllllleee gee, I thought I would add a couple of my favorites..... so let's all go Caroling&stuff!

and one more....

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

HO HO HO dee ho

Twas the week before Xmas
Ana all through the Burg
Not a sound was heard...
Nope, not a Word.

So I have been struggling to write a post about Christmas past and all that.... for almost a week... and all I ended up with is junk.

But that never stopped me before......
Anyways... things seem to be happening quicker than I CARE FOR...
Boy Wonder with the hoodie
Boy Wonder gotz home from Portland.... and then went to the UP with some buddies.... his Momma not all that happy with that, but he'll be around for another ten days.

..... he always makes things interesting. 
My daughter and I are looking forward to traveling to western Wisconsin's traditional Christmas eve 'flying of the cows'.
... and that's it.  I have spent all my money .... none left to buy even a scrap of snark.

So... for the holidays

if you can't be where
your heart is
be calm
be peaceful
enjoy all those whoz is here
and have a good beer.

Love to all who visit my page.  thanks&stuff


Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

What was her name???

OK... once again... it is Pearl Harbor Day....  70 years ago,,,, and I remember this really well... cause, see, I was there strolling that beach when the planes came over... I was only 23 or so at the time and me and Judy, or at least I think her name was Judy, maybe it was Alice, or Millie... but gees, we had just had a great night and gosh, see, she WAS built like a battleship and all, and gosh, could she make a torpedo run and you have not seen the rockets red glare till you spent a night with what-ever-her-name was and anyway it was a day I will always remember and boy& howdy did old Franklin give a good speech and in no time at all there where all these jobs in the Navy and Army......

Well, I digress.  But speaking of Bombs... Boy .... that Aaron Rodgers of the Packers can sure throw some
... and he is a nice enough guy, but he likes to sneak into everybody else's photos and stuff and so the last time I talked with him I told him I was not gonna invite him to my next wedding.... and gees when he got done laughing he said, " but you don't have a girl friend."
"Well, if I did, and I did get married, I am not inviting you if you don't stop that." Which just made him laugh a whole bunch more.. and then he showed me a picture of HIS girlfriend... and gosh
Rodger's girlfriend.. with spicy meatballs
When I was done crying I remembered Pearl Harbor and Judy-Alice-Millie or whatever and I didn't feel so bad.

But the Packers have made football interesting in my part of the world and I am grateful for that.

Anyways... where was I... OH OH OH... Remembering Pearl Harbor...see, right after the attack I was helping clean up the harbor and stuff, cause, listen, the Japanese may be neat and tidy at home, but boy, when the come visit they sure leave a mess... well Franklin called, said he was gonna go on the radio, which is the thing we had before TV and the Internet, and he was going to give a speech to America and all, "Jimm," he said, " We are going to punish those Evil-Doers and I am going to tell America all about it."
"FD, " I said... see, FD is what I called him... that Franklin thing just didn't work for me on a personal level," Drop that Evil-Doer thing. Sounds like something some idiot from Texas would say.  Work 'Infamy' into the speech; much more memorable, see, and you want to have folks remember."

Well, he thanked me for that.
Anywaz wazza I talking about... Oh yeah, Remember the Alamo... no...ah, that was my brother.... Remember the Maine.... no... that was Teddy, oh and was he a nice guy, too, just like his cousin..neat mustache..I meet him in South Dakota... him and me wrangled horses together.  Boy, was he a rough rider!  I helped him with that  and he got lots better....  Gees, once him and I got into a big fight in a bar with some cowboys, see, and they thrashed us good and threw us out.  Teddy wanted to just rush back in and I said, "No, let's find a big stick and walk quietly back in there and give 'em what for."
"So, what you're saying, Jimm, is that I should walk softly and carry a big stick?"  No flies on that Teddy!
"Now you'r talking like a Bull Moose," is what I replied.

Anyways, Pearl Harbor.... see back in the early 70's, when I was 23 or something, I met these VietNam vets who always who would always have a party on Pearl Day, Buffton and Mad Dog and Hoople. Now they always got bombed and talked  stupid shit, like, go to the U and find some Japanese Foreign students and beat them up.  Well, that wasn't a nice idea... so I mixed up a drink to get there minds off of it... I mixed up

1 oz tequila
1 oz triple sec
1 oz lime juice

... and fed those guys a whole bunch of them to calm them down... I remember telling Hoople it was a Kamikaze,,, and they thought that was funny... now you can buy 'em everywhere.

where was I... oh oh oh... Pearl Harbor.... oh oh oh... it wasn't Judy-Alice-Millie.... IT WAS SHIRLEY /!!!!!!

Shirley, I remember!

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

short and brief... have a good day

I gotz nothing but a song.  The days are progressively moving to the dark dark dark .... time to reflect on stuff.... like how it is much more difficult to put on boots than sandals....stuff like that....

well, anyways... have a good day

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Compost and Shit... just saying

OK... see I really like compost.  No shit! Truly. Well, to be honest, in the old days... it did have shit... used to run the old truck out to a farm and scarf up a couple of washtubs of good old horse shit from a buddy who had a couple of them there creatures.  Oh, it would really make the pile cook up!  Best recycling ever!

 The bin on the left is pretty much what the old bin  looked like, only not so spiffy cause I made it out of old doors I had found, and old screening... I mean..if you are gonna recycle shit... well gees, don't be buying new stuff just to throw shit in it.  Makes sense, right!  And everything from the kitchen went in it... bad lettuce, coffee grounds, tea bags, veggie peelings, eggshells, left over bits of malt-o-meal...all the fall leaves were bagged for next year.. all the dead veggie plants from the garden, hedge trimmings.... everything went in there.  blessed were the moments I would go out back there and turn the heap.  Boy, nothing like the smell of rotting shit&stuff.  Yessirree, Bob, Iffen when I die I could be shredded and  composted, why gosh I would think that would be a good deal...

But anyways,,,, there is a story here..and here it is.

When the Ex moved out of her apartment and bought a house... I went over and the first thing we did is build a bin.  And now it is getting run down, cause I built it with throw away scraps and stuff....see we were talking about it and I said I would... mostly because in the course of the divorce I gotz all the WEAPONS of MASS me them saws and hammers and golly I don't know how I could get along without my chain saw... why gees, I can carve pumpkins wit dat thing.  Well, ok, see, what happened, what the story is, is that about ten years ago Wonder Girl calls me at the bar, cause Mom had found a opossum in the bin and was freaking out.  The Ex had Bill-the-Neighbor over and he was poking it with a stick and then Bertie from across the street came over to see what the fuss was, and then Jack &Karen were there and so was the Wara boy, the one with the runny nose...andMiriam said that her Mom was going to call animal control, or golly, "Dad, can you come over and take care of this?"  Well, by the time  I got there, it was a small convention and the possum looked dead.
So I said to Wonder Girl to go get me a beer.  See, Bill-the-Neighbor was ready to get his ten gauge out and shoot it and Bertie is almost having fits about the possibilities of rabies and fleas and Armageddon and what not because possums sure are ugly &stuff.  I figgered another beer would help me think this through.  Well, it sure enough did!  I chugged that sucker down... asked everyone to step back, asked the ladies to turn the other way, calculated the distance between me and the critter and well golly beer is only rented, so I unzipped and let that possum have a little extra rent.

You know what?  With a little extra room and a dose of left-over Leinenkugels that ugly sucker just woke up and took off.  Course, the Ex thought I was vulgar, which she already knew and why she would tell me again is a good head scratcher, but it ain't no deal.

The deal is that the Boys down at Oblio's been giving me a good rubbing lately cause I still get along with the Ex... but the way I figger it... you can compost almost everything, including a marriage and piss on every thing else if you don't believe that, and if that is what it takes, but golly, iffen you do it right, you can still grow things with a goodly composted marriage.... including children... and they are doing just fine, thank you very much.