Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Compost and Shit... just saying

OK... see I really like compost.  No shit! Truly. Well, to be honest, in the old days... it did have shit... used to run the old truck out to a farm and scarf up a couple of washtubs of good old horse shit from a buddy who had a couple of them there creatures.  Oh, it would really make the pile cook up!  Best recycling ever!

 The bin on the left is pretty much what the old bin  looked like, only not so spiffy cause I made it out of old doors I had found, and old screening... I mean..if you are gonna recycle shit... well gees, don't be buying new stuff just to throw shit in it.  Makes sense, right!  And everything from the kitchen went in it... bad lettuce, coffee grounds, tea bags, veggie peelings, eggshells, left over bits of malt-o-meal...all the fall leaves were bagged for next year.. all the dead veggie plants from the garden, hedge trimmings.... everything went in there.  blessed were the moments I would go out back there and turn the heap.  Boy, nothing like the smell of rotting shit&stuff.  Yessirree, Bob, Iffen when I die I could be shredded and  composted, why gosh I would think that would be a good deal...

But anyways,,,, there is a story here..and here it is.

When the Ex moved out of her apartment and bought a house... I went over and the first thing we did is build a bin.  And now it is getting run down, cause I built it with throw away scraps and stuff....see we were talking about it and I said I would... mostly because in the course of the divorce I gotz all the WEAPONS of MASS CONSTRUCTION...love me them saws and hammers and golly I don't know how I could get along without my chain saw... why gees, I can carve pumpkins wit dat thing.  Well, ok, see, what happened, what the story is, is that about ten years ago Wonder Girl calls me at the bar, cause Mom had found a opossum in the bin and was freaking out.  The Ex had Bill-the-Neighbor over and he was poking it with a stick and then Bertie from across the street came over to see what the fuss was, and then Jack &Karen were there and so was the Wara boy, the one with the runny nose...andMiriam said that her Mom was going to call animal control, or golly, "Dad, can you come over and take care of this?"  Well, by the time  I got there, it was a small convention and the possum looked dead.
So I said to Wonder Girl to go get me a beer.  See, Bill-the-Neighbor was ready to get his ten gauge out and shoot it and Bertie is almost having fits about the possibilities of rabies and fleas and Armageddon and what not because possums sure are ugly &stuff.  I figgered another beer would help me think this through.  Well, it sure enough did!  I chugged that sucker down... asked everyone to step back, asked the ladies to turn the other way, calculated the distance between me and the critter and well golly beer is only rented, so I unzipped and let that possum have a little extra rent.

You know what?  With a little extra room and a dose of left-over Leinenkugels that ugly sucker just woke up and took off.  Course, the Ex thought I was vulgar, which she already knew and why she would tell me again is a good head scratcher, but it ain't no deal.

The deal is that the Boys down at Oblio's been giving me a good rubbing lately cause I still get along with the Ex... but the way I figger it... you can compost almost everything, including a marriage and piss on every thing else if you don't believe that, and if that is what it takes, but golly, iffen you do it right, you can still grow things with a goodly composted marriage.... including children... and they are doing just fine, thank you very much.

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