Kamis, 30 September 2010

Ron has No Johnson

GOP Senatorial candidate Ron Johnson in a recent TV ad moans of the fact that there are 57 lawyers in Congress and 0 Manufacturers.  Ron is a Plastic manufacturer.  From his own site
It drew a few comments on his site.

  1. before you make a comment like your opening in your add, I’d like to know if any of you could READ OR UNDERSTAND anything real people write or ARE ALL OF YOU AS SMART AS G. BRUSH???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I WOULD HAVE TO BE OUT OF MY MIND TO VOTE FOR SHOULD A BUNCH OF DISTORTIONISTS AS YOU PEOPLE ARE.

  2. I don’t know why there are so many lawyers in the U.S. Senate. It could have to do with the complexity of writing laws. They could certainly earn more money practicing law I would think.
    Russ is only one of a handful of Senators that is NOT a millionaire. Electing you will add one more millionaire to that bunch & I personally don’t think that is a good thing. You don’t represent me nor most of people from Wisconsin. You are fooling people with your ads. You represent BIG BUSINESS.

  3. Ron I don’t see a big difference in accountants and lawyers, both look for ways to go around the law. And if we have people writing laws, isn’t it important to have people that understand how laws are written? Seems like a poor argument. Weren’t there alot of accountants working at Morgan Stanley and the others when they went broke. I think you have a bigger issue explaining how many Senators have testified against pedophile laws when they worked for the Catholic Church who had a problem with molesting priests. I think you have seen your Waterloo.

But .... from the Huffington Post, and featured on Keith Olberman..... he does not think it is fair that victims of sexual abuse be allowed to sue for damages.


Last week, I encouraged readers to get to know their Ron Johnson, the GOP insurgent who's lately been up in the polls against veteran Democratic Senator Russ Feingold in the Wisconsin Senate election. Now, here's a new fun fact, courtesy of Zaid Jilani, at ThinkProgress -- in Johnson's "one prominent act of political participation" prior to his Senate run, he testified in front of the state legislature against the Wisconsin Child Victims Act.

The Wisconson Child Victims Act essentially eliminates the statute of limitations for bringing suit againt "any person" for "injury caused by...an adult's sexual contact with anyone under the age of 18." For the purposes of the statute, "person" was defined as "an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, or government; governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality; public corporation; or any other legal or commercial entity."

Now, me, personally, I have no problem with easing the burden on children victimized by "an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, or government; governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality; public corporation; or any other legal or commercial entity."

Johnson didn't feel the same way. Per Jilani:

In his testimony before the Wisconsin legislature, he said it was "extremely important to consider the economic havoc...and the other victims" that the new law would "likely create" -- ridiculously comparing child abuse victims to the economic damages faced by employers being sued. Johnson warned that the Child Victims Act would lead to businesses or other organizations that work with children to be "damaged or destroyed" by civil suits and that it would "send a chilling signal" to civic-minded organizations like the Boy Scouts to not work with children in the future. He then opined that if the bill were passed, "I have no doubt trial lawyers would benefit, I'm not so sure that the actual victims would."

 support abuse victims/ NO
support business   Yes

Fuck you Ron Johnson.
*hastily put together.  I am too pissed to do better.

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