Senin, 14 Maret 2011


 oh.... Wisconsin is Sooooooo broke.... we are going to the dogs..... actually.  A provision of The State Budget Repair Bill..... is about selling shelter animals ...... for scientific experiments....

SECTION 2704. 174.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

174.13 (2) Any officer or pound which has custody of an unclaimed dog may release the dog to the University of Wisconsin System, the University of Wisconsin–
­Madison, the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc., or to any other educationa­l institutio­n of higher learning chartered under the laws of the state and accredited to the University of Wisconsin System or University of Wisconsin–­Madison, upon requisitio­n by the institutio­n. The requisitio­n shall be in writing, shall bear the signature of an authorized agent, and shall state that the dog is requisitio­ned for scientific or educationa­l purposes. If a requisitio­n is made for a greater number of dogs than is available at a given time, the officer or pound may supply those immediatel­y available and may withhold from other dispositio­n all unclaimed dogs coming into the officer’s or pound’s custody until the requisitio­n is fully discharged­, excluding impounded dogs as to which ownership is establishe­d within a reasonable period. A dog left by its owner for dispositio­n is not considered an unclaimed dog under this section. If operated by a county, city, village or town, the officer or pound is entitled to the payment of $1 for each dog requisitio­ned. An institutio­n making a requisitio­n shall provide for the transporta­tion of the dog.” 
..... HMMMMMMMM...... this could be a Republican way to, ah, supply 'school lunches'  After all.... who really knows what's in those muttballs.

.....of course.... if you ask Walker..... he would say that this should not surprise anyone..... he was completely honest during his campaign...

Bust Unions.  Sell Dogs.

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