Senin, 31 Oktober 2011
Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011
One good woody deserves another..... whew!
This land is my land,
From California to the New York Island,
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters,
This land was made for you and me.
As I went walking that ribbon of highway
I saw above me that endless skyway,
I saw below me that golden valley,
This land was made for you and me.
I roamed and I rambled, and I followed my footsteps
To the sparking sands of her diamond deserts,
All around me a voice was sounding,
This land was made for you and me.
When the sun came shining, then I was strolling,
And the wheat fields waving, and the dust clouds rolling,
A voice was chanting as the fog was lifting,
This land was made for you and me.
One bright sunny morning, in the shadow of the steeple,
By the relief office I saw my people,
As they stood there hungry, I stood there wondering if,
This land was made for you and me.
Was a big high wall there that tried to stop me,
Was a great big sign that said, "Private Property,"
But on the other side, it didn't say nothing,
That side was made for you and me.
Nobody living can ever stop me,
As I go walking my freedom highway,
Nobody living can make me turn back,
This land was made for you and me.
[Additional verses by Pete Seeger:]
Maybe you've been working as hard as you're able,
But you've just got crumbs from the rich man's table,
And maybe you're thinking, was it truth or fable,
That this land was made for you and me.
Woodland and grassland and river shoreline,
To everything living, even little microbes,
Fin, fur, and feather, we're all here together,
This land was made for you and me.
Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011
It's friday and I woke up with a Woody
- I am at two with nature.
- Woody Allen
- Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
- Woody Allen
- I tended to place my wife under a pedestal.
- Woody Allen
- I took a speed reading course and read 'War and Peace' in twenty minutes. It involves Russia.
- Woody Allen
- How is it possible to find meaning in a finite world, given my waist and shirt size?
- Woody Allen
- His lack of education is more than compensated for by his keenly developed moral bankruptcy.
- Woody Allen
- Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought-- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things.
- Woody Allen
- "Holy Shit, Jimmy, can you believe how many dumb fuck Republicans are running for Preisent???"
- Joe Cool
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
some day he may get a real job....
This time of year.... I look back and think of Boy Wonder and his first 'job'... not a paper route or mowing lawns... but what he called his first job.
He was a professional spook. Not the CIA type, but a really really spook ...
See, just north of town, about nine miles, there was a business that specialized in carriage rides, for weddings and whatnot. Every Halloween they would decorate their woods with haunted houses, lanterns, graveyards.... have headless horsemen and ghosts... then they would have 'haunted hayrides'. The kid got hired on as a spook. It was his job to jump out of the bushes and stuff and try to scare folks on the hayride. The owner would give the kids who worked as spooks a flat stipend and a pizza party at the end of the gig. Boy Wonder took this serious. He was in seventh grade, his grades were good, he would finish his school work right after he would get home and a HS kid would pick him and a few buddies up to do the thing. It was rather nice. After the Hayride there would be a bonfire and hot cider and cocoa for the patrons.
Well, times have changed. He is now in Portland working in a warehouse, as a private garbage collector, making some internet commercials and some wedding videos. He takes it all as serious as he did his first real job. His mother and I hope that someday..... he will have a good job.... if if if if The Teaparty goes away..... if if if the economy turns around.... if if if
but he is still a scary dude.
...... just like his dad was....
so long ago. Some day, I want a real job, too. Maybe the CIA IS hiring spooks!!!!!!
He was a professional spook. Not the CIA type, but a really really spook ...
See, just north of town, about nine miles, there was a business that specialized in carriage rides, for weddings and whatnot. Every Halloween they would decorate their woods with haunted houses, lanterns, graveyards.... have headless horsemen and ghosts... then they would have 'haunted hayrides'. The kid got hired on as a spook. It was his job to jump out of the bushes and stuff and try to scare folks on the hayride. The owner would give the kids who worked as spooks a flat stipend and a pizza party at the end of the gig. Boy Wonder took this serious. He was in seventh grade, his grades were good, he would finish his school work right after he would get home and a HS kid would pick him and a few buddies up to do the thing. It was rather nice. After the Hayride there would be a bonfire and hot cider and cocoa for the patrons.
Well, times have changed. He is now in Portland working in a warehouse, as a private garbage collector, making some internet commercials and some wedding videos. He takes it all as serious as he did his first real job. His mother and I hope that someday..... he will have a good job.... if if if if The Teaparty goes away..... if if if the economy turns around.... if if if
but he is still a scary dude.
...... just like his dad was....
so long ago. Some day, I want a real job, too. Maybe the CIA IS hiring spooks!!!!!!
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011
I gotta go, but my friends can stick around....
Well as anyone who knows anything knows .... I don't know much about much of anything that anyone would really be interested in.... including me. Of course, that is an interesting thought.
And some of my friends are interesting... really. Like take for example... my friend DC Martin who in her shy and demure way points out that not all Polls are created equal... some are much more funniery than others like this one.... which really breaks me up... really
DC is a very talented writeress.... or maybe waiteress.... cause she sure enough dishes up tasty ideas... do check her out. Seriously..... see, another friend made a point... to check out the neighborhoods...and hers is a place to catch the latest on stupid politics, insane haters, HS Marching bands, Family, kindness, &stuff... and she wraps it all up with inventive language.
you can't miss it..... third blog on the left... and straight on til morning. Please enjoy
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011
About Wisco's new concealed Gum law....
In just a few days it will be legal for any citizen of Wisconsin to carry concealed gum. Provided they have the proper training. Providing they have a special permit for 'sugar-free' varieties. Carrying concealed gum in a bar while drunk will be specifically prohibited. Concealing gum under chairs, desks, bar rails will still be..... oh shit,,,,, just plain ran outa humor here.
Ok. I am a strong supporter of gun control. I am also a strong supporter of the right to own guns.
I do not think that those views are incompatible. I have never owned a gun.... because I don't hunt. I don't hunt because I have no taste for cutting heads off things, pulling guts out, ripping off skins... etc. But I support hunting. I really do. And I support the right of hunter's to own guns.
Most of the hunters that I know are strong conservationists, care for habitat, are against polluting environment, support preservation of species.... and don't go banging around in the woods. They are very 'gun safety' conscious. Of course, then there are the few others.
Now, I am not... not... not... going to go into a big discussion on my views on gun control... and to be honest.... I do not carry gum either, but, and here is what really gets me..... passing this new law created NO NEW jobs... did not help the economy....and will not improve the quality of life for anyone. So why was it needed??? Still beats the hell outa me. Ok.... the bill also has a clause....
“A business owner or person in his or her own home may prohibit a licensee from carrying a concealed weapon into the business or home, an employer generally may prohibit an employee from carrying a concealed weapon in the course of the employee's employment, and the state or a local governmental unit may prohibit a licensee from carrying a firearm into a building that is owned, occupied, or controlled by the state or the local governmental unit.”
Drinking while carrying a gun is also illegal. It is a misdemeanor. Anywayz.... here's what I am going to do.... next month, wherever I go, wherever I shop... I will be looking for signs like this...
or this....
and if I do not see one... I will ask the manager why one is not posted. See, I do not want to get accidentally shot over a dispute about the last box of corn flakes, or the especially fuckingly cheaply priced TV... or whether or not I looked at someone's girlfriend 'funny'. If I do not see that sign... I will not shop there and will make my view known to ownership. Might not do any good, but so what.
Hey, and it's a well known fact.... Jesus didn't carry a gun.
just saying.
Ok. I am a strong supporter of gun control. I am also a strong supporter of the right to own guns.
I do not think that those views are incompatible. I have never owned a gun.... because I don't hunt. I don't hunt because I have no taste for cutting heads off things, pulling guts out, ripping off skins... etc. But I support hunting. I really do. And I support the right of hunter's to own guns.
Most of the hunters that I know are strong conservationists, care for habitat, are against polluting environment, support preservation of species.... and don't go banging around in the woods. They are very 'gun safety' conscious. Of course, then there are the few others.
Now, I am not... not... not... going to go into a big discussion on my views on gun control... and to be honest.... I do not carry gum either, but, and here is what really gets me..... passing this new law created NO NEW jobs... did not help the economy....and will not improve the quality of life for anyone. So why was it needed??? Still beats the hell outa me. Ok.... the bill also has a clause....
“A business owner or person in his or her own home may prohibit a licensee from carrying a concealed weapon into the business or home, an employer generally may prohibit an employee from carrying a concealed weapon in the course of the employee's employment, and the state or a local governmental unit may prohibit a licensee from carrying a firearm into a building that is owned, occupied, or controlled by the state or the local governmental unit.”
Drinking while carrying a gun is also illegal. It is a misdemeanor. Anywayz.... here's what I am going to do.... next month, wherever I go, wherever I shop... I will be looking for signs like this...
or this....
and if I do not see one... I will ask the manager why one is not posted. See, I do not want to get accidentally shot over a dispute about the last box of corn flakes, or the especially fuckingly cheaply priced TV... or whether or not I looked at someone's girlfriend 'funny'. If I do not see that sign... I will not shop there and will make my view known to ownership. Might not do any good, but so what.
Hey, and it's a well known fact.... Jesus didn't carry a gun.
just saying.
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011
And I wonder what I'm doing here....
Ok... this is part of a post I din't post... cause I didn't know where I was going with it..... I guess I still don't... but AnyWayz....
Well.... that is as far as I gotz... and that ain't no never mind.... see cause where I was going...was about the Ex.. and this will be short.
We split a long time ago.... no problems with sex or drugs or alcohol.... things just weren't working out enough. But we had two kids... and after a bit...decided we could really raise them together.... apart. It has worked pretty well. And... it still is.
So... again, about the Ex... she has a bit of OCD... and the way it worked is she can't stop taking classes.... She now has a BA ,a BS, a Masters Degree and more goddam certifications than you can shake a stick at. Seriously. Currently teaches in a program for emotionally fucked up kids. Majorly fucked up. The students are all court mandated to be there. Cheaper than juvenile facilities and the idea is.... see if you can stop them from getting more fucked up. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't . Two former students murdered someone in a drug deal over a year ago. Failures are much more apparent than success in her line of work.... Well, Anyways.... she asks me for a small favor the other day. Can I help her haul a bed over to a student's apartment. Mom & Dad are out of prison.... inter-racial marriage... lotta problems... and now the family is back together and they are working on stuff.... but the kid doesn't have a bed. The Ex's Dad, Grandpa, had one. We hauled it over there. The kid is seventeen, had been sleeping on the couch.... and never had a bed... ever.
The apartment was small, cluttered, but clean. There was a small room to set it up in, the kid was happier than all get out. " I have never had my own room," she said, "or my own bed." My heart bled a little.
So, the next day I asked the Ex for a favor.... I needed a new State of Wisconsin ID. My eyes are getting worse... I can't drive... and I wanted to make goddam sure I could vote ... to get rid of the fucking Republicans who are trying to cut teaching jobs like hers. And I am not going to go on about shit, state employees or politics or goddam entitlements or stuff.... but she is the kind of teacher that puts in 60 to 70 hours a week, and gives kids beds.
Well, it is what it is and again, it ain't no never mind...... I was at the Ex's having tea after we got my ID. Wonder Girl stopped by. She saves all her compostible kitchen shit from her apartment and brings it back over to her Mom's bin.
Life has not turned out exactly the way I wanted. But that ain't no deal, either.
Things can be ok, if you want them to. And walking the dog is fun.
Ok... this is part of a post I din't post... cause I didn't know where I was going with it..... I guess I still don't... but AnyWayz....
Ok. A picture of the 'new' dog.... who is at least a year and a half old. And it is really not my dog... in the classic sense. I never owned the last one, either, to be honest. 'Mommy' bought that one for the kids as a 'separation'-guilt present... "see, what a nice white fluffy dog Momma got you." But that ain't no never mind, see, cause it was a really great dog... and for a few years it was at my house more that hers, but that is no never mind, too. The real deal is that I trained the first one, and now I am training this one, Oliver. (please sir, can I have some more!) Now, I am not like that guy on TV.... whatz his name?>>> Ceasear Romero, Sid Cesaear, Ceasar Salad..... ya know, that guy. First off, I am not Hispanic... second off.... I really don't know how to train dogs.... but I did a great job with the first one.... I could take it for walks without a leash ( which the ex could never do) I just used a lotta common sense.... kept it simple.... and gave it a little beer at bed time. It really became a shared dog... whether I liked it or not. And all in all, I did. So, with the old dog gone.... rest in peace and stuff.... and Wonder Girl moving out of Mom's.... the Ex decides she would like..... get this... another dog. Oliver. She got him from the shelter. I guess the previous owner did not take care of it and it ran loose too many times. It's some kind of schnauzer-poodle-something-something mix.... with a lot of energy. More than the Ex can handle... and the next thing you know.... I am training a dog.... again. Now, the first thing I noticed about Oliver is that he has a GREAT vertical leap.... kinda like Tigger in the cartoons... but virtually no horizontal propulsion. Getting up into a chair is a challenge, but it can leap four feet straight up into the air, land on the counter, make itself a baloney sandwich, drink my coffee and then carry the loaf of bread off into the living room and bury it in the sofa. Took me a long time to find that bread. Oliver will eat anything and I figured it was just stashing for later.
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011
Senin, 17 Oktober 2011
Senator, oh my Senator!!
![]() |
Randy Hopper mug shot |
Ha! My former State Senator, Randy Hopper, age 45, was pulled over and arrested yesterday for OWI. Blood Alcohol levels were not released.
Randy was one of Scott Walker's henchmen. He was recalled in a special election in August. Good old Randy had been under special scrutiny for leaving his wife and shacking up with a 25 year old chick-a-roo, who is suspected of getting a great State job....for allegedly giving good blow jobs. Randy is a millionaire who also drew some attention for supposedly living out of the district he represented.
I love America! I guess the Democrats drove him to drink....... but he insisted on driving home.
Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011
So.... how cold was it?
Well..... to be honest it wasn't that cold when I FIRST WENT OUT.... maybe 43 or something, but shit and whiskers.... the wind was out of the west at about 35 mph and it felt COLD. AND... I was going to get on my bike and cycle...due WEST. Well, gees&cheese... I gotz about a two steps away from da door and my nipples told me to go back and put on a warmer sweatshirt...... and cold nipples never lie. So I did that,see, and it was still pretty cold. Now, see, just monday it was up into the 80's &stuff.... so I was totally unprepared, like I ever prepare for anything....hey, that kills me, how people 'prepare'[ for things... my favorite is 'prepare for bed' .. aw, c'mon.. like your Beauty Rest is not gonna let you lay down unless you're PREPARED... gimmee a break or gimmee a beer!!! was,well, chilly. Sosa I go back inta the house and calm the nipples down with the electric Remington Razor... not that they are really hairy or anything, but the threat seems to calm them down. Ok... and then I goes back out and sit my cheeks down on the bicycle seat.... and... get this... it had a whole layer of frost!!! AH! So then.... well gosh..... now it feels like a Sarah Palin Blow Job....and now cold fish lips are not gonna touch my Male Unit, see, so I GO BACK again and put on some underwear. Summer's over I guess and there is no way I am gonna try the I re fit the outfit and I am off. the Farmer's Market.
I want some cheese. Smoked Cheddar. Absolutely great on baked potatoes. Plus the da Church Ladies sell some really really nice pumpkin bread. Well.... I run into Dirty Hands Randy, see, and it is cold, see, so it doesn't take him long to talk me into an inside venue... to watch the Badgers beat the loving bejesus outa Indiana... (and have a couple of Bloody Marys)which should not be allowed to field a football team, if you ask me or my nipples, but whose asking anyways, see.
AH, but rambling on is a wonderful thing. Randy and I discussed the Republican candidates, the merits of fresh lime when you make Mojitos, checking out Fritz down in Denver, whether beets cause cancer,what time the Packers SHOULD play on a Sunday, which country Obama was really born in, what ants do all winter, AND what is the point of preparing for bed when you just have to get up and take a leak in a few hours anyways.
Ok.... I didn't have anything to say in the first place. It is time to go home, set the tea kettle on, toast some pumpkin bread.... bring out some marmalade..... count the stars in the sky.....and contemplate how the bears have it correct... just hibernate for the winter. That is how cold it felt. I am a whoos. the Farmer's Market.
I want some cheese. Smoked Cheddar. Absolutely great on baked potatoes. Plus the da Church Ladies sell some really really nice pumpkin bread. Well.... I run into Dirty Hands Randy, see, and it is cold, see, so it doesn't take him long to talk me into an inside venue... to watch the Badgers beat the loving bejesus outa Indiana... (and have a couple of Bloody Marys)which should not be allowed to field a football team, if you ask me or my nipples, but whose asking anyways, see.
AH, but rambling on is a wonderful thing. Randy and I discussed the Republican candidates, the merits of fresh lime when you make Mojitos, checking out Fritz down in Denver, whether beets cause cancer,what time the Packers SHOULD play on a Sunday, which country Obama was really born in, what ants do all winter, AND what is the point of preparing for bed when you just have to get up and take a leak in a few hours anyways.
Ok.... I didn't have anything to say in the first place. It is time to go home, set the tea kettle on, toast some pumpkin bread.... bring out some marmalade..... count the stars in the sky.....and contemplate how the bears have it correct... just hibernate for the winter. That is how cold it felt. I am a whoos.
Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011
Yessirree Bob!
It sure is one of them kinda days..... why, golly&stuff!.... it must be almost 80! And the leaves are crisp and blowing and making this neato-keen kinda sound shuffling across the sidewalks. So.... I have to be brief here... cause it is just one of those days that is just all together just too nice to sit in front of a puter screen.
Boy Wonder called me from Portland late in the afternoon yesterday.... he was in the downtown at the occupy Portland protest/rally. He was filming with Johnny B and said that he would send me a copy later. Mostly..... he just held up his phone for about five minutes so I could listen to the chanting and the marching and the songs and stuff. "Hey, Dad, does it bring back the good old days for you?" Yes it did Bub. Thanks.
Haven't heard much from his sister lately. Last semester of college and she has a lot of artsy-fartsy stuff to finish. She's a good kid. Has never once asked me for bail money,
any ways.....
it just is just a beeeeuuutiiiifulllll day..... way too nice to sit inside looking at a computer screen...... and besides.......
it must be happy hour somewhere.
Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011
Sugar Sugar and the Niagara Escarpment
They have hidden the sugar jar at the New Moon coffee house. Peggy was getting into it. Not that they really minded, but at about fifty years old, Peggy is functioning at about a second grade level and tends to put way too much sugar in her coffee. Not good for Peggy. Not that they really mind. Peggy is pretty good at hanging out at the Moon, picking up toys, newspapers, wiping the tables.... and saying "Hello, my name is Peggy". Aaron thinks she also has some other health issues that make ingesting vast amounts of sugar .... ah, not a good thing. So, I need to ask for the sugar now when I get a coffee.
Anyways..... So I was sitting in Oblio's monday afternoon when, gosh almighty, in strolls Ed. Hadn't seen him much since he retired, fell in love and moved to Canada. Whoa... so there is a lotta catch-up talk. He is back in town to try to sell his condo.... or figure out what to do with the over four thousand books he has stashed there. Ed has a thing for books. We're just chatting and catching up when he mentions that on tuesday he was going to do a day trip to Door County.... do I want to come along.
Door County is the long thin little peninsula in Eastern Wisconsin that separates Green Bay from Lake Michigan. It's nice up there. Lotta little villages sitting on little harbors.... Bailey's Harbor, Egg Harbor, Rowley's Bay, Sister Bay, Ellison Bay..... yadda,'s very pretty and a great place to buy Wisconsin Souvenir Mugs,,,,,,, genuinely made in China. Lot of the travel mags call it the "Cape Cod" of the midwest.... which sounds a hokey as all get out, but probably better than being called other things, say, the Siberia of the Midwest (which is in Minnesota) or the Tehran of the Midwest(which is somewhere in North Dakota) or the Guantanamo Bay of the Midwest (another name for Chicago). Door County is also part of what they call the Niagara Escarpment, which is the America equivalent to a mix of the White Cliffs of Dover and some red beans and rice..... which makes no sense what so ever, but Ed told me all about it.....this Escarpment thing... (Hey, if you read that much stuff and you have a captive audience... why gosh, you have to talk about it).... I also learned that Ontario is the only Canadian Province that touches all the Great Lakes, except for Lake Michigan. Bottled up knowledge is a terrible thing to waste. So is bottled beer and boy and howdy I sure was glad we had a twelve pack of Sam Adam's Oktoberfest. Helps the information digest. We stopped at a couple of cemeteries on the way up there. Ed's family goes way back to the 1860's and most of them are buried up on the peninsula.... and gosh, did I hear a lotta family history, too. Kind of a genealogical escarpment rather than a geological one. I also learned that when a Dane marries a Norwegian.... half the family will spell the name Christianson and the other half Christiansen... which accounts for all the mis-spellings on the graves, see. So I was working on bottle two while I learned which Grandfather came from where and which was a logger, farmer or which uncle jumped into Sicily during WWII and which one accidentally shot himself during deer hunting season in 1958.
Another reason I went with him was to see my sister and her husband. They were at his family's cottage in Ephraim cleaning up after a storm that hit the county last thursday.
Well the storm left a bunch of down trees on the property, but thankfully none fell on the cottage.....which dates back to the 1880's or something, which My brother in law's grandfather bought back in the early 1920's or so... from somebody name Erickson... or Eriksen... which Ed and my brother-in-law discussed to no end.... see, the proper spelling, if you ancestors were English-Norwegian, or Danish-Norwegian.
And I was into my third beer by then. So we then went to a bookstore up in Ellison's Bay that Ed knew about..... over TWENTY THOUSAND used books. We had to stop. Ed wanted to see if he had anything about the Niagara escarpment. You really can never have to much information about escarpments, it seems.
Now, we hit Gills Rock... looked at the old ferry docks, and then headed south along the Lake Michigan shore. Ed wanted to visit Cana Island, which is only about 8 acres, accessible by a small spit of land walk.... and still has the old 1869 lighthouse.
Ed gazed out on the water and started talking about what it must have been like, back then, to be way out on the lake and what a relief it must have been for the sailors to see the lighthouse, to know that they had rounded the last shoals and that the sailing would be pretty clear, then, most of the way down the lake.
And then.... he started talking about.... being 69 and retired, and in love with someone fourteen years younger.... and moving to a foreign country... "Which is not all that foreign, " he said, " because they do watch football, see, and the language is mostly English," he laughed, "but I don't know anyone there! And I don't know where to get a haircut... where to buy a beer.... I don't know the land....the cities.... thank God we share the same escarpment!!!!"
....... So.... I had another beer as we sat on the rocks... and gave him a good listening... and Ed can talk. And he did. About all sorts of stuff. And then more.
And I realized why he wanted to come up here. And I said nothing.
On the ride back south..... I realized why it is sometimes necessary to hide the sugar bowl from folks like Peggy...... and why we should always preserve our lighthouses for people like Ed. There are rocks in them waters, see.
Anyways..... So I was sitting in Oblio's monday afternoon when, gosh almighty, in strolls Ed. Hadn't seen him much since he retired, fell in love and moved to Canada. Whoa... so there is a lotta catch-up talk. He is back in town to try to sell his condo.... or figure out what to do with the over four thousand books he has stashed there. Ed has a thing for books. We're just chatting and catching up when he mentions that on tuesday he was going to do a day trip to Door County.... do I want to come along.
Door County is the long thin little peninsula in Eastern Wisconsin that separates Green Bay from Lake Michigan. It's nice up there. Lotta little villages sitting on little harbors.... Bailey's Harbor, Egg Harbor, Rowley's Bay, Sister Bay, Ellison Bay..... yadda,'s very pretty and a great place to buy Wisconsin Souvenir Mugs,,,,,,, genuinely made in China. Lot of the travel mags call it the "Cape Cod" of the midwest.... which sounds a hokey as all get out, but probably better than being called other things, say, the Siberia of the Midwest (which is in Minnesota) or the Tehran of the Midwest(which is somewhere in North Dakota) or the Guantanamo Bay of the Midwest (another name for Chicago). Door County is also part of what they call the Niagara Escarpment, which is the America equivalent to a mix of the White Cliffs of Dover and some red beans and rice..... which makes no sense what so ever, but Ed told me all about it.....this Escarpment thing... (Hey, if you read that much stuff and you have a captive audience... why gosh, you have to talk about it).... I also learned that Ontario is the only Canadian Province that touches all the Great Lakes, except for Lake Michigan. Bottled up knowledge is a terrible thing to waste. So is bottled beer and boy and howdy I sure was glad we had a twelve pack of Sam Adam's Oktoberfest. Helps the information digest. We stopped at a couple of cemeteries on the way up there. Ed's family goes way back to the 1860's and most of them are buried up on the peninsula.... and gosh, did I hear a lotta family history, too. Kind of a genealogical escarpment rather than a geological one. I also learned that when a Dane marries a Norwegian.... half the family will spell the name Christianson and the other half Christiansen... which accounts for all the mis-spellings on the graves, see. So I was working on bottle two while I learned which Grandfather came from where and which was a logger, farmer or which uncle jumped into Sicily during WWII and which one accidentally shot himself during deer hunting season in 1958.
Another reason I went with him was to see my sister and her husband. They were at his family's cottage in Ephraim cleaning up after a storm that hit the county last thursday.
Well the storm left a bunch of down trees on the property, but thankfully none fell on the cottage.....which dates back to the 1880's or something, which My brother in law's grandfather bought back in the early 1920's or so... from somebody name Erickson... or Eriksen... which Ed and my brother-in-law discussed to no end.... see, the proper spelling, if you ancestors were English-Norwegian, or Danish-Norwegian.
And I was into my third beer by then. So we then went to a bookstore up in Ellison's Bay that Ed knew about..... over TWENTY THOUSAND used books. We had to stop. Ed wanted to see if he had anything about the Niagara escarpment. You really can never have to much information about escarpments, it seems.
Now, we hit Gills Rock... looked at the old ferry docks, and then headed south along the Lake Michigan shore. Ed wanted to visit Cana Island, which is only about 8 acres, accessible by a small spit of land walk.... and still has the old 1869 lighthouse.
Ed gazed out on the water and started talking about what it must have been like, back then, to be way out on the lake and what a relief it must have been for the sailors to see the lighthouse, to know that they had rounded the last shoals and that the sailing would be pretty clear, then, most of the way down the lake.
And then.... he started talking about.... being 69 and retired, and in love with someone fourteen years younger.... and moving to a foreign country... "Which is not all that foreign, " he said, " because they do watch football, see, and the language is mostly English," he laughed, "but I don't know anyone there! And I don't know where to get a haircut... where to buy a beer.... I don't know the land....the cities.... thank God we share the same escarpment!!!!"
....... So.... I had another beer as we sat on the rocks... and gave him a good listening... and Ed can talk. And he did. About all sorts of stuff. And then more.
And I realized why he wanted to come up here. And I said nothing.
On the ride back south..... I realized why it is sometimes necessary to hide the sugar bowl from folks like Peggy...... and why we should always preserve our lighthouses for people like Ed. There are rocks in them waters, see.
Senin, 03 Oktober 2011
We Dont Need No Stinkin Badges!
..... and I don't need no stinking republicans...... but some beans and rice would be good.
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