Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

About Wisco's new concealed Gum law....

In just a few days it will be legal for any citizen of Wisconsin to carry concealed gum.  Provided they have the proper training.  Providing they have a special permit for 'sugar-free' varieties.  Carrying concealed gum in a bar while drunk will be specifically prohibited.  Concealing gum under chairs, desks, bar rails will still be..... oh shit,,,,, just plain ran outa humor here.

Ok.  I am a strong supporter of gun control.  I am also a strong supporter of the right to own guns.

I do not think that those views are incompatible.  I have never owned a gun.... because I don't hunt.  I don't hunt because I have no taste for cutting heads off things, pulling guts out, ripping off skins... etc.   But I support hunting.  I really do.  And I support the right of hunter's to own guns.

Most of the hunters that I know are strong conservationists, care for habitat, are against polluting environment, support preservation of species.... and don't go banging around in the woods.  They are very 'gun safety' conscious.  Of course, then there are the few others.

Now, I am not... not... not... going to go into a big discussion on my views on gun control... and to be honest.... I do not carry gum either, but, and here is what really gets me..... passing this new law created NO NEW jobs... did not help the economy....and will not improve the quality of life for anyone.  So why was it needed???  Still beats the hell outa me.  Ok.... the bill also has a clause....

“A business owner or person in his or her own home may prohibit a licensee from carrying a concealed weapon into the business or home, an employer generally may prohibit an employee from carrying a concealed weapon in the course of the employee's employment, and the state or a local governmental unit may prohibit a licensee from carrying a firearm into a building that is owned, occupied, or controlled by the state or the local governmental unit.”

Drinking while carrying a gun is also illegal.  It is a misdemeanor.  Anywayz.... here's what I am going to do.... next month, wherever I go, wherever I shop... I will be looking for signs like this...

or this....

and if I do not see one... I will ask the manager why one is not posted.  See, I do not want to get accidentally shot over a dispute about the last box of corn flakes, or the especially fuckingly cheaply priced TV... or whether or not I looked at someone's girlfriend 'funny'.  If I do not see that sign... I will not shop there and will make my view known to ownership.  Might not do any good, but so what.

Hey, and it's a well known fact.... Jesus didn't carry a gun.
just saying.

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