Senin, 28 November 2011

Herbie Hancock doggone it


well, OK... it;s a Herbie kinda day, ha.... and it ani't even close to over.  Good old Oliver-Dog got away from me.  Or to be honest, he just decided to take his walk without me or the leash. Nope, I could see him thinking, see, as he looked back at me, "I knows the way, Jimm, just be seeing you in a bit." And off he went . Hit the corner at Sterling and Powers and just started trucking down Powers headed south with me yelling behind him.  Course, he can do two blocks to my one and I am getting pissed, and, gosh I barely covered that block when he comes running back  north up THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET chasing a guy on a bicycle. Now I have no ideas about what he would do iffen he would catch that bike and it ain't no never mind, cause now I am a block behind him heading the other way... and getting a little chilly in my thinking.  Well, someone at Melvin and Powers said he stopped at the fire hydrant for a quickie leakie and  and was headed east.  So I am trucking east on Baldwin hollering out his name when a door pops open.... "Oliver? Is he short, black&white?"  Well, some lady opened the door to get her newspaper and he just sauntered in and sat on their couch.  Dogs can be assholes.

No soup for you, Dog.

But nothing is nothing that can't be fixed with a little Herbie on the stereo and maybe a little herbie in the pipe.  finished off with a little cookies and milk.  No cookies for you, either, goddam dog.

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