Rabu, 30 November 2011

Well, ok... it has been a somewhat-sorta-kinda busy week here in beautiful downtown Wisconsington.

Mostly the weather... but no one wants to hear about the weather..it's bad enough being in it when it is not to your liking.  Talking about the weather always reminds me of when my mother would talk about her second cousin, who I never met, and all the illness that woman had...and, oh, there were plenty!!  I think she was the only woman, that cousin, who managed to have three hysterectomies....a really medical case study.  I think she was also born without a tailbone... whatever.

Anywayz... headed to Madison this coming Saturday for my nephew Eliott's Wedding.  Gees, he has been a couple with Sarah so long it seems like they were married along time ago.  I think they just ran out of excuses to have a party, is what I am thinking.  I still really don't know where the WEDDING is...I mean, where in Madison.

Not that it really matters.  I checked around... looking for a cheap room for Saturday night and did not find one.  And it didn't help that I had no idea where the wedding WAS going to be..other than 'some place just off the Capital Square...so the Ex said that my sister said that most of the family said they were staying at some Ruby Marie Hotel.... and I broke down and booked a room.

Now it was a little pricy for me.... cause I can be cheap...specially when all I want is a bed and a shower.... but after checking the place out it seems like  a nifty little place built back in 1873 or such and the Happy Hour in the bar is free for guests and so is breakfast.  HA!  They may not break even on my stay!! &&&  after talking with my sister it seems that between Sarah's family and my sister's we have booked all the rooms.... it could be fun. Especially..... with.... my nephews...

.... and it should be a good party....Elliott and his brothers are a gas.... Adam has been in Asia for the last few months...just quit his job in Sand Diego and split with his girlfriend/fiancee... I guess they saved up some money, whatever... he always tells good stories.  Middle Bro, Jonas... is an out and out gas.... He was late for his teaching job one morning...so he got a speeding ticket...which really made him late.... so he gets a second ticket ... fifteen minutes later... for speeding in a school zone...the one in front of where he teaches.  Elliott worked his way through college as a sous chef.... I know he will have some good stuff ... he made the dinner menu.

I am really looking forward to this... it just got to be a reflective moment.... I was a good kid... the cousins are all good kids.... not a Republican in the bunch!  Max will not make it, the only cousin absent... but he can't fly home from Portland twice in a month... and Christmas is already set....
Grandma and her grandchildren.....
...... kinda wish Grandma was still around...... she sure liked the kids.  See, you can only complain about the weather... you can't change it..... and you can't change your family either.... so you may as well love them....

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