Senin, 28 Februari 2011

WisKochsin Bothers Inc.

What is  happening in Wisconsin is not solely about the budget.... in fact, as time goes by and more information is digested... it is about a megalomaniac and a power grab that is rapidly reaching to an impeachable offense level.....

For example, Section 44. 16.896 states that the state “department may sell any state−owned heating, cooling, and power plant or may contract with a private entity for the operation of any such plant, with or without solicitation of bids, for any amount that the department determines to be in the best interest of the state,” and “no approval or certification of the public service commission is necessary for a public utility to purchase, or contract for the operation of, such a plant, and any such purchase is considered to be in the public interest...”
This means that a Walker appointee can sell state utility assets to anyone he wants for any price he wants without even the pretense of input from Wisconsin citizens or the Public Service Commission. Or just the operation of these plants can be contracted to a private company. That private firm (like Walker's campaign donors the billionaire Koch brothers) will fire the state's union workers. And then charge the state for the services provided. And be able to raise the cost beyond what the state was paying before. And it is “considered to be in the public interest” just because Walker says so. If you think this will result in public good, Google “Scott Walker Wackenhut” and see how it turned out last time he tried this.

Read the full article from The Ashland Current HERE 

What  is also at stake is Wisconsin's natural resources....  Wisconsin has over 417, 329 acres of State forest land.... Walker is opening a door that could conceivable allow him to SELL it "to the anyone at any price!    We have a Company operating in Wisconsin called, Georgia Pacific.... heavy into making pulp and paper products.  Hmmmm... ever hear of them.... refresh you memory...

Founded in 1927 as a wholesaler of hardwood lumber, Georgia-Pacific has grown through expansion and acquisitions to become one of the world's leading manufacturers and marketers of tissue, pulp, paper, packaging, building products and related chemicals.
The company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange from 1949 through 2005, when it was acquired as a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc., a privately owned company based in Wichita, Kansas. ......

 ..A lot of people voted for a Republican... the problem does not lie there... Wisconsin has had decent and honest Republican's in office before, Governor Lee Sherman passed the first law banning discrimination against Gays and Lesbians in 1978..... Congressman William Steiger helped write and pass OSHA into law.....  But Scott Walker is owned by big business.... he represents out side state interests before those of Wisconsin citizens.

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

and now a musiKal interlude.... kiss kiss&stuff

Loose Cannon in Wisconsington

Scott Walknutz has created a US and Them mentality in Wisconsin......which is sad, because, mostly there was always an US Attitude.  Well, minus a few Chicago Bear fans that come out of the closet in the fall.  Walker would like to make it seem a budget issue, that he has to get rid of unions.... READ MORE.... but the sadness is that he considers no other option... has revealed a closed mind that can not grasp any other solution.  It's my way or the highway.  Blow me or Fuck you.

And that's sad. America was always a nation of innovators.  He has offered nothing innovative.  We compromise and try to work together. He shows no willingness to work together.  And he talks gibberish.... stating first he was opposed to toll roads in Wisconsin... the then said... for "Some Lanes" he would support it.  We have never had toll roads. has become very clear.... That Walknutz doesn't mean what he says...... and says what he doesn't mean.....

the real problem.... is that this may spread.... I think we need to quarantine the State.

I would not encourage anyone to come here for vacation, business, recration, hunting.... and writee a letteer to Scott Walker telling him why.

Office of Governor Scott Walker
115 East CapitolMadison WI 53702

Phone(608) 266-1212

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Beer from Lee and music from Susan......Phantsy That


Susan, from Phantsy That  mentioned this...... it's good to remember ..... and in other news.....

 Here's some 'trickle down' economy for you:
With the July 27, 2010 enactment of the FY2010 Supplemental Appropriations Act (H.R. 4899/P.L.
111-201) Congress has approved a total of $1.121 trillion for military operations, base security,
reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs, and veterans’ health care for the three operations initiated
since the 9/11 attacks: Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) Afghanistan and other counter terror
operations; Operation Noble Eagle (ONE), providing enhanced security at military bases; and
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). 

Yesiree "bob....and those are just YTD totals from a Congressional report


but the Wisconsin GovNob... wants to bust Teacher's Unions... to help create jobs.... to stimulate biz spending... and he is willing to lay-off-eliminate- thousands .... to create jobs.

Wisconsin's estimated cost of the Afgan and Iraq 'conflicts' is approx $1.7 BB .... which could fund about 43,000 Elementary School teachers.

... but no new taxes... that would hurt job creation...... and he is willing to eliminate jobs to keep those corporate taxes low...... cause that creates jobs.
I have had enough of trickle down bullshit... under Reagan and Bush and all it feels like is getting pissed on.
And when the vets come home....and soon I hope.... there will be no jobs, no VA hospitals, no rehab programs.... because Walker will have eliminated all those programs ...... to create jobs.  And he is willing to fire workers to create those jobs........

But the Govnittor tells the Democratic Senators to get back to Madison.... so he can piss on them.... and then piss on all of Wisconsin.... so HE can sell off state property, give big tax breaks to business, and DAMMITT.... create some jobs..... even if he has to fire thousands of workers to do it!!!!

Noperz.... I ain't drinking that Kool_Aid.

I am tired.  I am poor. I am sick.  I am sick and tired of being poor.  Scott Walknutz has got nothing for me..... except maybe a diet Koch. The guy is a smarmy piece of shit.

But I gotz friends, see,  and my buddy Lee from Oshkosh Beer     dropped me off one of these

I might need a few......

Have a good day...

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Just an old fashioned love song...

Governor WALKER SHOULD BE FLOGGED!!!!Walker Should Be Flogged For His Inability To Control His Underlings

... just so all views are presented, ain't no deal, see


the more things change... the more they stay the same....

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Have a KOCH

Add captionfrom repower america
?Well it isnot new News that yesterday, after steadfastly refusing to speak with State Democrats, Scott Walker readily took a PHONE CALL from whom he thought was billionare industrialists David Koch.  Amongst several things discussed on the phone call Walker,
 floated an idea to lure Democratic senators back to the Capitol for negotiations and then have the Senate quickly pass the bill while they are in talks.The caller suggested he was thinking about "planting some troublemakers" among the protesters, and Walker said his administration had thought about doing that, too, but decided against it.

What has Koch Industries been doing while out of the public eye?
Walker has also passed legislation limiting Corporate liability in tort cases and easing pollution regulation.
It is almost impossible to completely trace funding provided by the Koch brothers to various conservative causes and politicians. I could write forever!!  It is like trying chasrt the flight pattern of a shithouse fly.
A former Wisconsin Attorney General believes that the phone call between Walker and the caller pretending to be Koch reveals several ethic violations.  That maybe an arguing point, but it, the phone call, clearly reeveals that Walker is a puppet to the billionaire brothers. It will forever taint anything he tries to do in the future and, while not an impeachable offense as far as I can tell, is clearly indicative of  reasons for recall.

Koch says that it will not profit from a small part of the budget bill that allows Walker to sell state assets, specifically power plants,  without bids, scrutiny or price control..... Koch industries is heavily invested in gas, coal, and energy production.... but a Koch spokesperson said,

“The power plant assertion is one more example of many baseless falsehoods and speculation made by a vested interest that gets picked up and repeated over and over in the media,” said a statement from Philip Ellender, president of government and public affairs for Koch Cos. Public Sector LLC. “We have no interest in purchasing any of the state owned power plants in Wisconsin and any allegations to the contrary are completely false.”

ya, the check is in the mail, I will love you tomorrow, and warm flat beer is best... shit....&whiskers..

. look... I can't go on.... I feel like I have been surfing porn..... or trying to clean a sewer with a g=toothbrush....  this is not my America.

David Koch with trophy wife purchased with no competitive bid.

Let's also not forget that other rights are under attack and other people a fighting, protesting.... please chedck out Border Explorer for info on what is also happening in Texas

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Scott Walker is a Wanker.... and a lying one.

Here's Scotty....

"As more and more protesters come in from Nevada, Chicago and elsewhere, I am not going to allow their voices to overwhelm the voices of the millions of taxpayers from across the state who think we’re doing the right thing.  This is a decision that Wisconsin will make."
Scott Walker... addressing the State in TV address

Madison — A Utah-based group has started the process to recall eight Wisconsin Democratic state senators from office.
American Recall Coalition filed the paperwork Tuesday with the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board. The group has 60 days to collect the required signatures to force a recall vote.   m

UTAH?????   It is hard to be polite... it really is... blow me, Scott, as well as fuck me.

Hey, it's not just me that thinks Walker is connected to the Koch Bros...G

US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT  .... not exactly a flaming liberal publication...

"How does it feel to be a puppet on a string? Or a muse? Ask Governor Walker. He’s the Koch brothers’ puppet. And for that, thank the Supreme Court for their ridiculous decision in the Citizens United case, because what’s happening in Wisconsin is just a tiny taste of things to come. Corporate billionaires pulling our politicians’ strings. [Read the U.S. News op-ed debate: Is the Supreme Court's Citizens United Decision Hurting Democracy?]"

Plus... the Governor has been apprised that his collective bargaining bashing could cost the State $46MM

 Wisconsin received $74 million in federal transit funds this fiscal year. Of that, $46.6 million would be put at risk should the collective-bargaining bill come to pass -- in the process creating an even more difficult fiscal situation than the one that, ostensibly, compelled Walker to push the legislation in the first place.
The governor is certainly aware of this. While the potential loss of funds may have escaped the attention of many observers, sources familiar with the state's transportation policy tell The Huffington Post that Walker's office has been informed of the relevant legal language. Moreover, in an a nearly unnoticed report filed by the state's Legislative Fiscal Bureau, the non-partisan budget scorekeeper, the stakes are laid fairly bare.
"According to information from the U.S. Department of Labor, the proposed changes in collective bargaining rights included under SS SB 11 could impact the ability of unionized transit systems in the state to receive existing federal transit aid, unless actions are taken to protect the collective bargaining rights of their employees," the memo reads. "If the federal Department of Labor makes the determination that the changes under SS SB 11 affect the continuation of collective bargaining rights, and protections of transit employee's wages, working conditions, pension benefits, seniority, vacation, sick and personal leave, travel passes, and other conditions of employment, the Federal Transit Authority could not provide federal transit funding under there provisions."

*** It wasn't supposed to be like this... my was supposed to be just snark, a bit of humor, some little snippet stories.... and a few beers.  I'm sorry.  Yupperz an&stuff

PASS THIS ON.....Teachers!!!

I love this KID....

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Smoke and Mirrors

 The longer the State Democratic Senators stay out the longer more truth of Scott's Walkers Budget REPAIR  comes to light..... one provision.....

16.896 Sale or contractual operation of state-owned heating, cooling, and power plants. (1) Notwithstanding ss. 13.48 (14) (am) and 16.705 (1), the department may sell any state-owned heating, cooling, and power plant or may contract with a private entity for the operation of any such plant, with or without solicitation of bids, for any amount that the department determines to be in the best interest of the state. Notwithstanding ss. 196.49 and 196.80, no approval or certification of the public service commission is necessary for a public utility to purchase, or contract for the operation of, such a plant, and any such purchase is considered to be in the public interest and to comply with the criteria for certification of a project under s. 196.49 (3) (b).
.... in essence this allows Walker. WITH NO BIDS, to sell State owned power plants at a price his flunkys set.!!!

......Walker first wants to bust the Unions, the opposition Democrats political base...then he wants the power to sell,,,,, WITH no oversight, Wisconsin  assets!!!!!


Just say Cheese ---solidarity pizzas


... again... No Violence.  The unions have offered concessions.... the Governor will not negotiate... he wants to bust unions.  If you think you Unions are not valuable, that we can live without them..... remember the Triangle Manufacturing fire....WHY WE HAVE UNIONS

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

You either shovel snow or bullshit.... live goes on.No time for blogging!!!


 It's a rather long video.... but so what! Decent sized storm yesterday... about a foot of snow, winds up to 25mph.... visibility at times last night about twenty feet. It was nasty..... why it took me an extra seven minutes to walk to  Oblio's!!!!!!!!

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Sahara Palin can see Lake Michigan from her porch!!

Statue of Liberty replica on frozen Lake Mendota, Madison WI 1996
 I think that there is a cold day in Hell..... and it is now.

She can see Wisconsin from her porch!!
SARAH PALIN  has weighed in on the Wisconsin political scene..... which I find astounding for a politician who quit her office.... in the middle of one term.  I find this particularly abhorrent..... she claims that " Union bosses " are using Union workers for their own ends.  Get a fucking clue, Sahara!
for more info, and comments check out ABC NEWS.  The comments are very telling.  Yesterday a more conservative friend made a comment about Jesse Jackson's appearance in Madison to support the protesters.  He said "there is no need for outside agitators".  Gees. Sahara's personal wealth is now estimated to be about $12MM.  I wish I could quit my job and make that kind of money.  I do not think that someone who has not worked for the last two years should say anything about workers.

There is expected to be over 100,000 at the Capital today.  The real telling thing???? No violence, no threats no arrests.  News was that there were NINE citations issued for minor violations.  In a crownd of over 45,000 yesterday.  There are more arrests at a Packer-Bear game!  As Mack72 commented at the ABC news link...
"I'm a member of a union here. I have not heard the term "union boss" in years. Sarah you need to get better writers or at least read what they write for you before it's published. This is a rights issue. We should all be watching. I agree the media is spinning this. They attempt to portray there is violence here and there is not. People singing, kids, and many of us fear or the governor's assault of the middle class. No guns, profanity, or threats of harm like when the tea party runs a rally."

in other news.... I will have a pale ale at Oblio's this afternoon.  I could not find a ride to Madison.

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

The Lone Ranger rides again!!!


Russ!!!  Too busy reading to write!!!  the late afternoon Social Club at Oblio's should be especially is when a lot of the U professors & staff show well as some from the Newspaper.

*foot note.... at the Rally on campus yesterday I asked the sole University cop I saw if there had been any trouble.  She just smiled and said,  " I'm only here to make sure no on litters. there are a lot of signs."  I asked her if she was a Union Member.  She just smiled.

On Wisconsin

Yesterday 14 Democratic State  Senators left the state to prevent a vote on a budget the newly elected governor is trying to pass without debate.  He is asking the middle class to sacrifice while simultaneously giving tax breaks to the wealthy.  He is threatening to fire or lay-off state employees, while touting tax breaks to corporations to help them 'create ' jobs. He passes bills  beneficial to special interests that run up the state debt by 145 million dollars and the cries "Crisis"

 from the Oshkosh Northwestern:

Truth be told, the bill is the beginning of an effort to roll back the right of workers. Its lesser-known provisions set a dangerous precedent for granting the executive branch broad emergency powers where an emergency does not exist. The speed in which the bill is heading from proposal to adoption is also of concern. It is slated for a vote Thursday, just six days after it was released to the public. The fact that a national special interest group, The Club for Growth, began broadcasting ads in support of the proposal at the same time the bill was released shows that this is not a homegrown effort to fix Wisconsin's problems, but an orchestrated, ideologically driven campaign.

 last night I stood with a group of about 200 on the Opera House square, one of the busiest intersections in town.  Protesters all. Quite a few held signs that urged motorists to honk in support. The hoinking was consistent and loud. I could hear it as I walked home.  Freedom has a know it when you hear it.

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011


Latest news in Wisconsin Liberal/Progressive/Democratic fight to halt New Republican Governor's plan to eliminate collective bargaining for State Union workers in his radical new budget.

MADISON, Wis. – A Wisconsin state senator says the 14 Democratic lawmakers who are boycotting a vote on a controversial anti-union bill have left the state.
Sen. Jon Erpenbach says the group wants to force negotiations over the Republican-backed bill, which would strip most public employees of their collective-bargaining rights.
Erpenbach told The Associated Press that he and his colleagues had left Wisconsin, but he would not say where.
He said the plan is to slow down the bill because it's "tearing the state apart."
Senate Republicans can't vote on the bill unless at least one Democrat is present. Police could be dispatched to retrieve them, but it was unclear if they would have the authority to cross state lines.

With all the Democratic Senators gone... the Statehouse Senate does not have a quorum to vote on the proposed budget!!!

The first rally today, announced at approximately 5 pm yesterday drew about 150 to the court house steps in Beautiful Downtown Oshkosh.  The second rally, at UW-Oshkosh, drew about two thousand, predominately students, but containing a good mix of State and City employees as well as University workers.  Teachers at UW-O are not Unionized.  At both rallies members of Local Firefighters and Police Unions, not affected by the Governor's proposal, attended to lend support to affected Unions.

**Just a footnote.... I attended the first rally with my ex-wife, a teacher of highly at risk special students.  She is a minor Union Official.  She declined to attend the second rally because of , "... issues with some of the students. They need me."  Several of them are at the 'fine line' between being in school or being in jail.  Most are from damaged families and many are on probation.  Divorce can be a many splendored thing..... but I am proud of her, her dedication, and her willingness to balance her own self interest with the needs of others.

more HERE
more HERE
... and just when workers need help...... RUSS!!

Russ Feingold's new Progressive PAC

.... a new revolution may have started in the USA.... and it's not the Tea Party.... this one has intelligent people!

Spread the word!!  next rally tonight, 5 at the Opera House Square!

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Coming soon to a state near you.... or the State of U

Asshole Teabagger!!

I have not been this pissed off since Nixon and the tet offense..... truly..... and what is worse is every fucking conservative asshole thinks he can now get in my face......
well it may  be an older face, an it may not be as pretty as it (maybe) once was... and I am a lovey-dovey goddam liberal, but goddam it.....

More asshole teabaggery

stay the fuck out of my face.!!!!!

There are two rallies tomorrow. I may have to give up beer and bloggy.   And get my bail money in order.

and if I don't protest..... will my children still respect me?

Check out the Chief

Balancing The Budget.... Oh, and how is your day going??

for more news on Wisconsin...... go here....HERE!!!!!!!
oh, boy......four more years??????

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Moab Diechleer and the Book of Chance

I am really not sure where this will go, what to think of it, how I should talk about it or who Moab Diechleer is.
But I'll give it a shot.

See, when my mother died she had left boxes and boxes of stuff in her closets. The hall closets, the bedroom closets, the basement closet. Some were full of dress patterns and fabric scraps; she was a great seamstress back in her prime and a great saver... well past her prime.  Other boxes were full of old photographs, postcards, news-clippings and recipes.  A tremendous amount of those..  Some of the recipes were on note cards, some hand written on scraps of paper and even napkins.  Still more were clipped from Newspapers.  Those I can date and there are some from the 40's and 50's.  Most though were from the late 70's and into the 80's. There were enough that I decided I would take the boxes home and sort at my leisure because there was enough evidence that she had sorted and resorted these boxes through the years and that any single box could span years.  One box could contain my brother's second grade report card, a church bulletin from 1968, a photo of her parents from 1948, a recipe from 1958, or a clipping about my father from 1978.  Crazy eights I tell you.

At first I started just throwing the recipes away and keeping the good stuff, the family stuff.  I truly was working with 12 or fourteen of these things and it was a big clutter. But then I looked at a couple of the recipes and thought they might be worth trying.  See, my mother was not a great cook by any stretch of the imagination.  Oh, see had a handful of items she made that were excellent, but all in all, nope... boiling water and adding salt... she did that ok, but there was a big fall off after that.

So I got a little more careful in my scrutiny.  Then in the middle of one box  I found a yellowed piece of paper, almost brittle to the touch, on which was typed..

"When frosting a cake make sure the cake is made first"
 -Moab Diechleer

Now I got a chuckle out of that and set that piece aside and continued sorting. Soon I came upon another old looking scrap and on this  was typed..

 "Never buy a chicken from a politician... you never know what crap
   that bird has eaten."
   -Moab Diechleer

Seriously now I am very intrigued.   Who is Moab Diechleer?  I could not find any reference to him on google and it is not a name that ever came up in any family discussion.  Was he an old family friend?
By this time I stopped and went and got some beer.  This is getting interesting.  In the bottom of another box was a recipe, handwritten, for turkey and walnut casserole. signed,,,,,,, Moab Diechleer.  It really looks like an awful recipe.  I'll never try it.  But I put that aside.  Soon there was another scrape of typed paper.

"When in doubt, stop thinking."
  -Moab Diechleer

Now Mom was never much of a philosophical thinker, she rather relied on the Vatican to do that for her, and most everyday living thoughts she garnered from Ann Landers so I am working on a mystery now.  I have all of the boxes emptied.,,,, spread all across the bed, the couch, chairs, floor.  I am looking for more Moab.  Wrapped in old cellophane I uncovered pages, all Diechleer-isms and recipes that Mom had sewn together as a book.  'Goldmine'!!!!  and then.... the mother lode... an old ledger that she had pasted recipes and clippings and a lot more Moab!!!!

I will relate more of this later, as I get it sorted out.  I still do not know what to think of this......but as Moab says.,,,
  "If at long last you have to go looking for Truth and Wisdom.... 
    you must have been  pretty stupid in the first place."
    -Moab Diechleer

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

aint got nutting but a song


no football...... no ambition... doing laundry.... and on a Keb Mo kick...... it's been years since AI've seen him in concert.... he seems to like doing small gigs.  If you ever get a chance... DO NOT miss him

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

America the Beautiful

A bunch of SOB's .... and a little morning melody.

OK.  Kinda rough night.  Meet with some SOBs  (Society of Oshkosh Brewers) a nice collective of home beer makers at Oblio's  last night and stayed much later than usual. Karl and Lee have decided to snowshoe across the Lake while it is still frozen.  It's eleven miles across.  Lee's wife, Denise, and I are supposed to pick them up on the other side.  I'll let you know if that ever happens.  In other SOB news, Al wants to start a blog dedicated to Lutefisk..... to know more click HERE. Katie said she will leave him for the day if he plans on cooking it at home.  I'll let you know if that ever happens.  I also plan to post Katie's recipe for beer rye bread.... which is truly marvelous.  You will see it here.
And now I need a nap.

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Spring is around the corner.....PLUS an add on

uncle john's Kiwi's
maybe down the block.... or just coming back from vacation, or hiding out... whatever.

So.... I thought I would share one of a few photos my brother John, the country hippie, sent of his garden from last summer.

I have to admire someone who grows his own Kiwi fruit.

Hope it warms your day.  and a postscript lifted from


 '''' I think he got it from someone else....but what a great headline...

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

yes, I ain't gotz no agendas.....

I ain't gotz no clean underwear neither, no peace of mind, no money, no love, no job......see the whole world is full of things I ain't got.  Gotz no paper boy, cause the news ain't a-reading.... and I have no cafe no more.  Not one where you know the owner or the waitress knows you and you really don't have to read a menu to know what you want... or the waitress just brings you the eggs over easy with hashbrowns and whole wheat, cause she knows what you want. Don't gotz that no more. No more butcher shop where they will slice the bacon as thick as you want.... and the guy calls you by name. That's gone. Don't have a hardware store where the old guy can figure out what you need even if you can't explain it well......or at all.  The corner bakery is gone. A good home mad burger is gone. Ain't no 'Lucy' or 'Andy' or 'Green Acres' on TV to make me laugh.  No good FM stations worth tuning in to neither.  Not in my neck of Wisconsington.  Nope. All done. Used to have a mail man I knew by first name who would but boxes inside my back door cause he knew I didn't use the front. Nope. No more.
And there is no news to watch and trust.... just a bunch of fucking talking heads.

No bars around that sell pickled eggs and turkey gizzards neither.....less you want to head way north. Boy&Howdy.... the dinosaurs are dying and I sure miss them.  Truly I do, and if I think about it too much I'll just get sad. So I don't.

That's another thing done gone away on me.... my ability to think.  Not sure about that one..... guess I'll have to think about it a bit to make sure.

Well.... and here's the deal and it shouldn't be a surprise to those that read my pages and it really won't surprise those that don't....... but I just make up this stuff on the spur of the moment.  Yupp....get up and have a thought (which is totally and radically differn't than thinking) and I walk to the coffee house and type away.. (ain't gotz no internet at home, see) No first draft no second draft and there won't be no thrid draft until Oblio's opens.  Yupperz.... 99.9% of everything here is bullshit. And I like it that way, thank you very much!  See, if I did it any other way I would have to think and I already said I can't do that no more.
OK.... but I do this anywayz cause as everything else has disappeared, the stuff I liked, I realize what is sad about those things going away is that is where you saw, met, and talked with folks. Now everyone just goes to get what they need and then getz home.  Or, if you head out somewhere to have a drink at Applee-fucking-Bee's or TGI who gives a fuck, or any of those other goddam box-bars, you bring the folks you want to talk with with you.

Nope... see, and the way I see it, this is one of the last places I can go and meet interesting, thoughtful, articulate (mostly) people that may give me an idea or two or three.
Lately... that has what has happened, and I ain't gonna go into specifics because that would mean I would have to think again and I am thinking that I am giving up thinking for Lent.  Oh, talking about Lent, doan get me wrong.... I still ain't much into religion, about as much as I am into leftover french toast iffen you need to know... but anywayz I always liked Lent cause it was a good reason to give up on things that I never cared for anywayz.... like this year I am giving up Bill O'Rielly.  See, Lent has gotz some positive stuff about it that has nothing to do with Jesus or Easter Bunnies or any of all that.
Ok.... where was I...oh yeah..... see the deal is, and it ain't no deal.... but I have really run into nice folks on the blogs. That's it.  Done and Done. No more to it than that.

Sorry to all the folks that read all the way through this just to read that, but it's the stuff.

I ain't got no agendas..... and I am happy about it, too.  I think.

Oh.... ain't gotz no bananas, neither.

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Doughnuts, Beer, Tequila and Pizza, oh my

ok... there was this little football game played Sunday night, the Green Bay Packers vs. Some Team from Pennsylvania or Transylvania or Videomania or some such place.  Anyways, there was another team on the field and they wore a different colored shirts.  What else do you need to know?  I guess I am a little biased.... the Packers are one of the oldest professional franchises in sports and they are in my neck of the woods, just fifty miles north as the crow flies or the fruit plies or whatever.  Now I don't like baseball, I think pro-basketball sucks,  and golf is a nice game if you have nothing else to do, but to watch it on TV is a kin to taking a sleeping pill.  And I am not a 'football junkie'.  One or two games a week are plenty and of course, one of them is the Green Bay game.
So...... now you have the biggest game of the year, with more hoop a la and hype and stuff than any other. Now,,,, you have to take this serious.  I could have gone to parties, or a sports bar but I decided to keep it simple and just head down to Oblios's and watch the game amongst peoplethat  I mostly know..... mostly Billy Lang and Joe.... mostly they are people... most of the time.
Anyways..... to get ready for the Big Game you have to prepare properly and as this game will involve more beers than the usual game the first thing to prepare is your stomach and there is no better way to prep your stomach for a big game than to eat a dozen doughnuts..

Manly doughnuts, too!  None of that creamy frosting, sprinkly filled things.  Nope.  Just good old fashioned fried doughnuts with coffee. And the formula is one doughnut for each planned pint of beer.  I figured n even dozen would do the trick.
Then you have to exercise.  I take a pint glass, fill it with sand, and do repetitive arm curls.  Usually ten reps for every anticipated pint.  See, this is a science.  After exercise, a nap is in order.  Fifteen minutes for every quarter of football you plan on watching,,, and an extra 15 if you plan on watching half=time show. (optional).
Honestly.... it is a formula that has worked for me for years. Well I didn't plan on watching the half-time show..... so I only took an hour nap and by four thirty I am properly situated on a fine, solid oak bar stool at Oblio's. Now while I am waiting for Joe and Billy Lang (seriously the guy with two names that have to go together; you can't say Billy and you can't say's Billy Lang) this dude who has already started way to early buys the bar a round of shots.  Well this is a once-in-while occurrence and there has always been something about the word 'free' that makes me a bit giddy. Well the guys show up, we have a beer and next thing you know, it's kick-off, which billy Lang celebrates by buying the three of us a round of tequila shots.  There is a small, distance history with the three of us and tequila shots... but I won't go into that here.
Now the Packers are up by 14 into the second quarter which is good enough reason for Joe to buy a round of tequila shots.... again, this history thing.  Anyways, lemmee tell you something.... never never listen to a joke while doing a shot of tequila.... it has a tendency to come out your nose, which is what happened.  Which is the history... which is why they both try to say something funny about when I have that glass right  up to my lips.  Assholes.
Right before half-time, and I have forgotten how many beers have been ingested...but it seems that we should get something a little more fortifying than chips..... So I call my daughter, Wonder-Girl, who is spending the Super Bowl delivering pizza for this gourmet pizza shop.  I vaguely remember calling her on her cell and telling her to bring us whatever is the best deal... which turns out to be a massive thingeeeeee.....I am still not sure what exactly was on it.... but my mustache was soon a mozzarella draped lip covering.

Damn good pie!!  Especially with a Bell's Amber Ale, which is what I think I was drinking.
Now.... I am maintaining, really, a fair amount of sobriety. Which means I am still following the game.  which, all things considered, was a heck of a match up between two pretty good teams, and no really stupid referee calls. and, in this part of Wisconsin, the bar was virtually devoid of any Steeler fans.
but all good things must come to an end... and end good it DID.
There was this 'morning after' thing though.  Like where are my keys, why are my glasses in the refrigerator, who put that left-over pizza on the stereo and where the heck is my left shoe?
All in all a good time.  An even better time while be when one of the Co-owners of Oblio's comes back from Dallas.......seems like he shelled out about $4K for tickets and was one of of about 400 fans denied access to the game because of the SNAFU with some of the seats.
Schltzie sat somewhere there

Billy Lang, Joe and I can't wait to ask him how he like the game.  What are friends for?

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Sherry , from Feather Adrift has laid this thingee on me.... A "Stylish Blogg'er" award...
which is kinda funny 'cause I only go to the stylist about twice a year and the only style I truly embrace is "No-Style" at-all, though back in the day I embraced more than a few Old Styles.

Ha! but get this!  The award comes with RULES!!  Well, Shit&Whiskers, if that don't top it all. cause not only do I have no-style at-all, I gotz no-taste at-all, no-brains at-all, no-money, at-all, no-morals at-all and  no-ethics at -all!  Well, sheesh, that just goes to what a no-it-all I am and I certainly do not hold no truck with no rules-at-all!!

Well, anyways, I'm going to be nice and presume that Sherry made a semantic error and meant 'request'.  Requests are nice . I can live with that.

The first rul...request is that I reveal seven little know facts about me......which could be tough as I usually find a dozen things a day I do not know about me.  I am a mystery to Me as it were.  But I'll give it a shot.

1)I have never eaten a prune. Ever.  Do not plan on it either.  I will be one soon enough, thank you very much.

2) I am 54 years old... wait, that was last year... or maybe the year before that.  Where's that wallet.... see I told you this could be tough.

3) I have  thought of becoming bi-lingual..... but then realize I like women too much and it is too late to change.

4) my last year of college and for a couple of years after that I drove taxi as a way to pay rent and buy beer and drugs.  Big old boxy Checker cabs.  One night I pick up this old white-haired guy at the University to take him to his hotel.  he jumps in my cab and starts telling me that he has just come from a meeting where he has decided to seek the Republican nomination for Governor.  For the next twenty minutes he tells me of his hopes and plans for Wisconsin; improving the University system, making it easier for minorities to go to college, environmental concerns.... yadda and stuff.  We get to his hotel and he sits there and goes on for another twenty minutes.  I didn't mind as I didn't have another fare and I was stoned anyway.  Later that year Lee Sherman Dreyfus bucked the the Republican machine and became Governor.  He turned out to be a fiscal conservative and a social liberal, passing the first law in the state to ban Gay discrimination.  I voted for him.  He spent about an hour talking to  some patched-jean. long-haired, bearded hippie as if I was the most important citizen  in the whole state.  He wasn't a great governor.... but he turned out to be decent and honest

5) I cry reading those stupid goddam Chicken Soup for the Soul books and then am filled with such self loathing for having done so that I have to go out and drink copious amounts of beer to get re-balance.

6) the two most precious moments of my life were when my children were born.  If I concentrate on those days, hours, minutes, seconds, I cry as well, though I never need a beer after wards.

7) I have to trim my left eye-brow cause it gets really bushy and sticks up like an owls.  My right eyebrow is well behaved.

ok... the other request is to tag other folks.... but instead I will just recommend
a couple
The Black Magpie Theory
Menopausal Stoners
Helllllo Mr President, are you listening
The Chief
Oshkosh Beer
and never last


Try 'em out... you may like them

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

A joke in search of a p:)nch line

blatantly borrowed (stole) from Brenton
..... of course, everyone is presumed innocent until suspended by the Commissioner.

But I'm not prejudiced.

Nope.  Nazi at all.

So help me out.... I am in search of a good punch line....

"What do you get when you have Ben Roethlisberger and Sarah Palin together in the same bar?"

Other than a rapist and a whore.

Really,..... help me out!