What is happening in Wisconsin is not solely about the budget.... in fact, as time goes by and more information is digested... it is about a megalomaniac and a power grab that is rapidly reaching to an impeachable offense level.....
For example, Section 44. 16.896 states that the state “department may sell any state−owned heating, cooling, and power plant or may contract with a private entity for the operation of any such plant, with or without solicitation of bids, for any amount that the department determines to be in the best interest of the state,” and “no approval or certification of the public service commission is necessary for a public utility to purchase, or contract for the operation of, such a plant, and any such purchase is considered to be in the public interest...”
This means that a Walker appointee can sell state utility assets to anyone he wants for any price he wants without even the pretense of input from Wisconsin citizens or the Public Service Commission. Or just the operation of these plants can be contracted to a private company. That private firm (like Walker's campaign donors the billionaire Koch brothers) will fire the state's union workers. And then charge the state for the services provided. And be able to raise the cost beyond what the state was paying before. And it is “considered to be in the public interest” just because Walker says so. If you think this will result in public good, Google “Scott Walker Wackenhut” and see how it turned out last time he tried this.
Read the full article from The Ashland Current HERE
What is also at stake is Wisconsin's natural resources.... Wisconsin has over 417, 329 acres of State forest land.... Walker is opening a door that could conceivable allow him to SELL it "to the anyone at any price! We have a Company operating in Wisconsin called, Georgia Pacific.... heavy into making pulp and paper products. Hmmmm... ever hear of them.... refresh you memory...
Founded in 1927 as a wholesaler of hardwood lumber, Georgia-Pacific has grown through expansion and acquisitions to become one of the world's leading manufacturers and marketers of tissue, pulp, paper, packaging, building products and related chemicals.
The company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange from 1949 through 2005, when it was acquired as a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc., a privately owned company based in Wichita, Kansas. ......
..A lot of people voted for a Republican... the problem does not lie there... Wisconsin has had decent and honest Republican's in office before, Governor Lee Sherman passed the first law banning discrimination against Gays and Lesbians in 1978..... Congressman William Steiger helped write and pass OSHA into law..... But Scott Walker is owned by big business.... he represents out side state interests before those of Wisconsin citizens.
MADISON, Wis. – A Wisconsin state senator says the 14 Democratic lawmakers who are boycotting a vote on a controversial anti-union bill have left the state.
Sen. Jon Erpenbach says the group wants to force negotiations over the Republican-backed bill, which would strip most public employees of their collective-bargaining rights.
Erpenbach told The Associated Press that he and his colleagues had left Wisconsin, but he would not say where.
He said the plan is to slow down the bill because it's "tearing the state apart."
Senate Republicans can't vote on the bill unless at least one Democrat is present. Police could be dispatched to retrieve them, but it was unclear if they would have the authority to cross state lines.
With all the Democratic Senators gone... the Statehouse Senate does not have a quorum to vote on the proposed budget!!!
The first rally today, announced at approximately 5 pm yesterday drew about 150 to the court house steps in Beautiful Downtown Oshkosh. The second rally, at UW-Oshkosh, drew about two thousand, predominately students, but containing a good mix of State and City employees as well as University workers. Teachers at UW-O are not Unionized. At both rallies members of Local Firefighters and Police Unions, not affected by the Governor's proposal, attended to lend support to affected Unions.
**Just a footnote.... I attended the first rally with my ex-wife, a teacher of highly at risk special students. She is a minor Union Official. She declined to attend the second rally because of , "... issues with some of the students. They need me." Several of them are at the 'fine line' between being in school or being in jail. Most are from damaged families and many are on probation. Divorce can be a many splendored thing..... but I am proud of her, her dedication, and her willingness to balance her own self interest with the needs of others.
more HERE
more HERE
... and just when workers need help...... RUSS!!
Russ Feingold's new Progressive PAC
.... a new revolution may have started in the USA.... and it's not the Tea Party.... this one has intelligent people!
Spread the word!! next rally tonight, 5 at the Opera House Square!