Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Have a KOCH

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?Well it isnot new News that yesterday, after steadfastly refusing to speak with State Democrats, Scott Walker readily took a PHONE CALL from whom he thought was billionare industrialists David Koch.  Amongst several things discussed on the phone call Walker,
 floated an idea to lure Democratic senators back to the Capitol for negotiations and then have the Senate quickly pass the bill while they are in talks.The caller suggested he was thinking about "planting some troublemakers" among the protesters, and Walker said his administration had thought about doing that, too, but decided against it.

What has Koch Industries been doing while out of the public eye?
Walker has also passed legislation limiting Corporate liability in tort cases and easing pollution regulation.
It is almost impossible to completely trace funding provided by the Koch brothers to various conservative causes and politicians. I could write forever!!  It is like trying chasrt the flight pattern of a shithouse fly.
A former Wisconsin Attorney General believes that the phone call between Walker and the caller pretending to be Koch reveals several ethic violations.  That maybe an arguing point, but it, the phone call, clearly reeveals that Walker is a puppet to the billionaire brothers. It will forever taint anything he tries to do in the future and, while not an impeachable offense as far as I can tell, is clearly indicative of  reasons for recall.

Koch says that it will not profit from a small part of the budget bill that allows Walker to sell state assets, specifically power plants,  without bids, scrutiny or price control..... Koch industries is heavily invested in gas, coal, and energy production.... but a Koch spokesperson said,

“The power plant assertion is one more example of many baseless falsehoods and speculation made by a vested interest that gets picked up and repeated over and over in the media,” said a statement from Philip Ellender, president of government and public affairs for Koch Cos. Public Sector LLC. “We have no interest in purchasing any of the state owned power plants in Wisconsin and any allegations to the contrary are completely false.”

ya, the check is in the mail, I will love you tomorrow, and warm flat beer is best... shit....&whiskers..

. look... I can't go on.... I feel like I have been surfing porn..... or trying to clean a sewer with a g=toothbrush....  this is not my America.

David Koch with trophy wife purchased with no competitive bid.

Let's also not forget that other rights are under attack and other people a fighting, protesting.... please chedck out Border Explorer for info on what is also happening in Texas

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