Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Beer from Lee and music from Susan......Phantsy That


Susan, from Phantsy That  mentioned this...... it's good to remember ..... and in other news.....

 Here's some 'trickle down' economy for you:
With the July 27, 2010 enactment of the FY2010 Supplemental Appropriations Act (H.R. 4899/P.L.
111-201) Congress has approved a total of $1.121 trillion for military operations, base security,
reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs, and veterans’ health care for the three operations initiated
since the 9/11 attacks: Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) Afghanistan and other counter terror
operations; Operation Noble Eagle (ONE), providing enhanced security at military bases; and
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). 

Yesiree "bob....and those are just YTD totals from a Congressional report


but the Wisconsin GovNob... wants to bust Teacher's Unions... to help create jobs.... to stimulate biz spending... and he is willing to lay-off-eliminate- thousands .... to create jobs.

Wisconsin's estimated cost of the Afgan and Iraq 'conflicts' is approx $1.7 BB .... which could fund about 43,000 Elementary School teachers.

... but no new taxes... that would hurt job creation...... and he is willing to eliminate jobs to keep those corporate taxes low...... cause that creates jobs.
I have had enough of trickle down bullshit... under Reagan and Bush and all it feels like is getting pissed on.
And when the vets come home....and soon I hope.... there will be no jobs, no VA hospitals, no rehab programs.... because Walker will have eliminated all those programs ...... to create jobs.  And he is willing to fire workers to create those jobs........

But the Govnittor tells the Democratic Senators to get back to Madison.... so he can piss on them.... and then piss on all of Wisconsin.... so HE can sell off state property, give big tax breaks to business, and DAMMITT.... create some jobs..... even if he has to fire thousands of workers to do it!!!!

Noperz.... I ain't drinking that Kool_Aid.

I am tired.  I am poor. I am sick.  I am sick and tired of being poor.  Scott Walknutz has got nothing for me..... except maybe a diet Koch. The guy is a smarmy piece of shit.

But I gotz friends, see,  and my buddy Lee from Oshkosh Beer     dropped me off one of these

I might need a few......

Have a good day...

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