Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

yes, I ain't gotz no agendas.....

I ain't gotz no clean underwear neither, no peace of mind, no money, no love, no job......see the whole world is full of things I ain't got.  Gotz no paper boy, cause the news ain't a-reading.... and I have no cafe no more.  Not one where you know the owner or the waitress knows you and you really don't have to read a menu to know what you want... or the waitress just brings you the eggs over easy with hashbrowns and whole wheat, cause she knows what you want. Don't gotz that no more. No more butcher shop where they will slice the bacon as thick as you want.... and the guy calls you by name. That's gone. Don't have a hardware store where the old guy can figure out what you need even if you can't explain it well......or at all.  The corner bakery is gone. A good home mad burger is gone. Ain't no 'Lucy' or 'Andy' or 'Green Acres' on TV to make me laugh.  No good FM stations worth tuning in to neither.  Not in my neck of Wisconsington.  Nope. All done. Used to have a mail man I knew by first name who would but boxes inside my back door cause he knew I didn't use the front. Nope. No more.
And there is no news to watch and trust.... just a bunch of fucking talking heads.

No bars around that sell pickled eggs and turkey gizzards neither.....less you want to head way north. Boy&Howdy.... the dinosaurs are dying and I sure miss them.  Truly I do, and if I think about it too much I'll just get sad. So I don't.

That's another thing done gone away on me.... my ability to think.  Not sure about that one..... guess I'll have to think about it a bit to make sure.

Well.... and here's the deal and it shouldn't be a surprise to those that read my pages and it really won't surprise those that don't....... but I just make up this stuff on the spur of the moment.  Yupp....get up and have a thought (which is totally and radically differn't than thinking) and I walk to the coffee house and type away.. (ain't gotz no internet at home, see) No first draft no second draft and there won't be no thrid draft until Oblio's opens.  Yupperz.... 99.9% of everything here is bullshit. And I like it that way, thank you very much!  See, if I did it any other way I would have to think and I already said I can't do that no more.
OK.... but I do this anywayz cause as everything else has disappeared, the stuff I liked, I realize what is sad about those things going away is that is where you saw, met, and talked with folks. Now everyone just goes to get what they need and then getz home.  Or, if you head out somewhere to have a drink at Applee-fucking-Bee's or TGI who gives a fuck, or any of those other goddam box-bars, you bring the folks you want to talk with with you.

Nope... see, and the way I see it, this is one of the last places I can go and meet interesting, thoughtful, articulate (mostly) people that may give me an idea or two or three.
Lately... that has what has happened, and I ain't gonna go into specifics because that would mean I would have to think again and I am thinking that I am giving up thinking for Lent.  Oh, talking about Lent, doan get me wrong.... I still ain't much into religion, about as much as I am into leftover french toast iffen you need to know... but anywayz I always liked Lent cause it was a good reason to give up on things that I never cared for anywayz.... like this year I am giving up Bill O'Rielly.  See, Lent has gotz some positive stuff about it that has nothing to do with Jesus or Easter Bunnies or any of all that.
Ok.... where was I...oh yeah..... see the deal is, and it ain't no deal.... but I have really run into nice folks on the blogs. That's it.  Done and Done. No more to it than that.

Sorry to all the folks that read all the way through this just to read that, but it's the stuff.

I ain't got no agendas..... and I am happy about it, too.  I think.

Oh.... ain't gotz no bananas, neither.

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