Rabu, 27 April 2011

"The Pink Floyd Polka" & such &not much of nothing... again

I still ain't got much.  It's been one day of sunshine and three days of rain.  I did find a video of a favorite local band, Copper Box, when they were playing down in San Antonio.  A real gas especially after a few beers.
ok..... lessee, what else.  Oh, I got a nice email from a guy named Vincent who stumbled across this photo that I had posted a while back.
Vincent runs a Chinese Restaurant and was wondering where I got the costume.  I had to be honest and emailed him back that I just grabbed the costume p;ic off the net and that my blog really isn't about eggrolls or Chinese food.... he mailed back saying thanks and stuff... I forgot to ask where he was from... and if he delivered... cause it made me thinkg of getting some LoMein.

Speaking of costumes..... I came across a pic of the kids and their cousins from a parade we participated in , I think it was the 4th of July and the theme was 'Patriotism' or some such.  The Ex made the signs and costumes... and I pulled the wagon.  Ya gotzta teach the children well, see.

Friend of mine stopped yesterday on his way back to Port Washington.  Tom and I go back 35 years or more and I do miss him.  Back in the 80's we brewed beer together.... made some very good ones, some really bad batches.... but we never failed to make a mess.  It was a good chat over pizza and beer... and old stories were told.  He used to have and old Cadillac, one of those big monster with the long tail fins.  He had bought it for a couple of hundred, filled in the rust holes with wood putty and fixed up what he could.  When he said he thought it needed a paint job, well we found a deal on 'silver' metallic paint, got out the brushes and rollers and painted it!!!  I think it was right after making a batch of the really good beer.  I remember when we would get a foursome for golf, drive up in that thing to the club house.... seems like we never had a problem, 'playing through'.

OK.... Next time I will try to write something of great political or philosophical or sociological impact.... but probably not.
It's little early...  but I think I am going for Lo Mein.

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