Kamis, 21 April 2011


Perhaps I would not stop at the bar so much if it was a dull place full of dull people and dull beer.  Just to give an example..... Oblio's how has New Belguim's  Trippel ale....

"Our Trippel Belgian Style Ale (pronounced triple) opens with a bold blast of hops that slowly gives way to the fruity esters implied by our Belgian yeast strain. The Three Graces hand-painted on the label are Zeus’s daughters Aglaia (splendor), Euphrosyne (mirth) and Thalia (good cheer). In the Belgian tradition of brewing singles, doubles and triples, Trippel is the strongest with the longest fermentation. Remarkably smooth and complex, our bottle-conditioned Trippel is spiced with a trace of coriander."

HO.... yum.... and it goes really well while discussing CHICKENS , urban chickens with Ted.  It really is that kind of bar..... very very important things are discussed!

Well, then Joe and Hugh walk in.  Joe has just finished renovating the  1800 square feet above his wife's beauty salon across the street.  All there kids are gone and they decided that they didn't need that big house.  Well, I knew he was a handy guy, but whoa, he gave us a tour and the place is amazing!!! I wish I would have had a camera. It truly looks like something from Architectural Digest. It was just open loft space when he started... plus.... he has a handy dandy little bar just freshly stocked with Heineken.  It is stunning what Union Workers can construct!  He is thinking of adding a chicken loft out back.

Politics in Wisconsin continue to be.... ah, politics.  The Democrats in the state have successfully gathered enough signatures to force recqll elections of four Republican state Senators...very close to a fifth.  And speaking of Fifths... State Republicans have tried to do the same kind of recall of Democratic Senators.... but, for lack of interest... have had to use out-of-state workers to gavther them... and as reported in the HUFFINGTON POST... havee resorted to buyin shots of booze in exchange for signatures.  Scroll through the post... there is an audio.  That is just chicken shit!!!

.... and on another political not... here in Beautiful Downtown Wisconsin... we had a recount on a city council election.  Two candidates, after the recount.... were tied.  Dead Even. Sooooooo,,,, they did the sensible thing..... they drew cards... high card won.

They were both at the bar last night.... having a beer together.  Winner, Winner..... Chicken Dinner!

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