Jumat, 06 Januari 2012


Ok..... the holidays is over.... good deal.  And I did my first screw up of 2012... or at least the first one I noticed... I deleted my blog roll.  Which I can attribute to nothing more than being stupd en notz being a good speler.  Whatever.  And I am suffering from writers block... which is better than having writer's cramps which is not like menstrual cramps which I don't know about, see, cause I am of the male persuasion... which if you had to persuade me to do anything it would be to go to Oblio's for a beer which really doesn't take much persuasion cause I get a cramp in my left hand if I do not do the 16 ounce curl for exercise at least a few times a week and seeing as this is friday I think I should head down there and exercise a little bit which is my New Beers resolution, see, to get a little exercise so I don't get cramps, is what.

Now it was vaguely rumored that Oblios is just a figment of my imagination.... which would save me a ton of money were it only true.... but it ain't..... though some of the people who go there would be better off if they were fictional.... and that would probably save them tons of money too, but nope, they are mostly real, too, except for Joe Cool.... who is mostly unreal... especially when he invites you to do a shot of Sambuca....

Well, anyways..... My friend Lee wrote a nice history of the bar which, with much witticism called History of Oblios pt 1  and then, not to be outdone.... he followed that up with History of Oblios pt 2
which just goes to show that Lee really can think up clever stuff.

anyways, see, as I was restoring my blog roll I noticed that the folks at Riding the Beer Trail  did a little post about Ob's on their blog featuring the new T's that Mark and Todd ordered up

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...... which may or may not be available for mail order.  Beats me..... you could go to FB and ask Nikki.... FB Oblio's .... but I know I already bought a couple... and gees... you could be the first one in your neighborhood/city/state/province/mental institution to own one.

The Shirt has it's genesis from an old beer brand they used to make in my section of Beautiful Downtown Wisconsin.

..... now if that doesn't sound like a commie pinko socialist liberal beer......

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