Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

So..... how cold is it?

well it is colder than I care for.  A deep freeze has set in here in my part of the world.  Below zero stuff with stupidly cold wind chills. O course, if I want to be really chilled I need to do more than listen to a politician, local or otherwise.
 There is a chill to the rhetoric that smacks me up side the head.... as ... cold.  Stark raving cold... and mean... unnecessarily so.

But that is not the story.
The Deal is I walked outside the coffee house this morning.  The Moon is a such a cool place that it is warm.... nicely so.  I did not notice her coming up behind me... and I could barely hear her when she said, "Excuse me.  You know this address?" ... and showed me a piecce of paper.  It was funeral home stationery with a church address handwritten on it.  The lady was about 4' 8" if she was an inch, Hmong, all bundled up. She appeared to be in her 70's and was bundled up so you could barely see her face. "Friend funeral. I must go."  You could tell English was not her first language.  I looked at the address and knew the church was about two miles away.  The bus station was two blocks.  I told her that the bus would take her within a block of the church.  " No money.  How far? I walk."  It was 3 below zero.  "C'mon," I said...." I'll get you the bus."
" No money! no bus."
Well I guess I got it through to her that she didn't need money. I also got enough out of her that she would know family at the church and could get a ride home.  We got to the bus station, I found the right bus, told the driver where she needed to go and put the buck in the collection box.  He said he would make sure she got off at the right block and he would show her the church.  She sat in the front and looked straight ahead.  Didn't say thank you. Old Asian women usually do not go out by themselves.  She was a bit scared, I think, and was going to the funeral of a friend.

Now, it wasn't a big deal and I am no goddam hero or stuff.... it was only a two block walk and a buck.

It really can be done.  Just saying.

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